Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Darcy, time for bed!" Justin yelled from the doorway.

"I wanna talk to daddy!" She complained.

"It's okay Darcy. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" Harry said through Skype. Darcy frowned at the screen.

"Okay daddy. Nighty, night." She said.

"Don't let the bedbugs bite." Harry grinned as Darcy giggled. "Goodnight, princess."

"Goodnight, sweetie." I said kissing her on the head. Darcy gave me a hug and jumped into Justin's arms.

It's been a month since the last video. I've gone to meetings, studios, conferences, and so much more. It's so overwhelming. Justin has kept me from twitter and everywhere else on the Internet, not allowing the criticism get to me, even though I'll eventually see it. But whatever.

"Lani..." My thought was broken by Harry. I looked back at the screen, seeing his bright green eyes.

"Yea?" I asked.

"H-how's it been?" He's asked uncertainly. "The business I mean.."

"It's been...good I guess. I don't know I'm struggling trying to get over my fears of going onstage, but other than that, I'm fine." I picked the tips of my fingernails, not staring straight at Harry.

"You know you don't have to do this right?" Harry said. "I could give you the money..."

"No." I said firmly. "I don't want to be some charity case for anyone. I'm fine doing this by myself." I insisted. But honestly, that's what I said every time, and I knew that wasn't the case.

" wouldn't be. I-never mind." Harry turned away.

"I what?" I questioned.

"I...I am Darcy's father, so you aren't really a 'charity case' I'm supposed to be supporting you.." Harry said. I didn't want to argue with him, so I didn't say what I thought.

"It's fine Harry. Keep your money. As soon as we find someone to let me be their opening act, I'll have the money..." Harry's eyes widened as though he just solved something.

"Be our opening act!" He said excitedly. "We are gonna have a tour in a few months, and we're releasing our dates in a few weeks!"

"I don't know Harry...this isn't my decision." I lied. It kinda was though. Artist after artist asked me to be their opening act, but I refused. Justin wasn't having a tour anytime soon, and I was just putting off my fear.

"I'll talk to your management. Plus it would give me more time with Darcy." He stated. I could see the happiness spread across his face at the thought of it.

"I'll talk to Justin about it...I guess..." I said solemnly

"Perfect! So um I gotta go. Gotta get up early tomorrow. I'll call you at the same time." Harry beamed, still happy about the opening act thing.

"Yep see you then. Bye" I shut the screen of the computer and set it to the side. The side of the bed caved in as Justin walking in a few minutes later.

"What's the matter?" He asked pulling me into his lap.

"N-nothing. I'm fine." I whispered.

"Knowing girls, that's never true. So what's wrong Lani?" Justin asked, kissing me right under my ear. My weak spot.

"Harry wants me to be their opening act for their upcoming tour..." I said slowly.

"And how is that a bad thing? Darcy would love it." Justin said.

"I'm not ready. I don't wanna go up infront of millions of people. What if I mess up?" I explained. Justin buried his head into my neck.

"You'll be fine Lani. You always are. This won't be different. But anyways, that's months away...focus on the moment right now. Don't stress." Justin whispered, sending shivers down my spine.

"You're right. I need to get mind off this..." I said facing him. Justin gave off a devilish smile.

"I know exactly what you need." he grinned, leaning down for a kiss.


So I wanna know what you guys want? Do u guys want the next chapter to be dirty or not dirty? If you guys don't comment I won't know what to do!!!! Help!!!

Yeli :)

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