Under the night sky

153 11 4

Am I dreaming or is this actually happening?

I asked this question several times and pinched myself to get the answer.

Yup, it's happening, yesterday my marriage was fixed with that grumpy professor.

How in the hell did that happen? How did my life turn into this drama?

The man I was supposed to marry married someone else and the man I am supposed to hate is going to marry me.

Well, this is life... Full of twists and turns with a lot of surprises and sorrows.

My first love ended in sorrow and I really hope my second chance will have a happy ending.

Madhav... The man who woke up my inner beast, why am I blushing when I think about him. My hand is still hurting from his death grip. He even left his hand imprints too, bloody iron man, I shouldn't blush thinking about him, I should be in rage and here my stupid heart is having all these stupid romantic feelings about that unromantic stupid man!!.

'Unromantic stupid man? Are you joking? Yeah, maybe he is stupid but don't say he is unromantic. Did you already forget what he did to your body in the car.' said mini-me in a dreamy voice and I clutched my thighs.

Oh god...

'If it was not for you, I would have never let him kiss me!! Stupid hormones!!' I said to her,

'Ahh, now it's my fault that you got attracted to him, well done miss.' said mini-me.

'I am not attracted to him!! I don't even care about that man!!'

'Then why are you looking at your watch every now and then and waiting for it to strike 5 pm ?' asked her, smirking at me.

' It's because I want to go home!!'

'Oh really? Not because Madhav will pick you up today? Hmm good to know...'

'Don't act like Drishya with me my stupid brain, she is enough torcher, I don't want someone like her in my head too!! Please leave me alone and do your job!!'

'As you wish, princess, I will let you think you won but we both know I was telling the truth.'

Stupid brain, how did I end up with this!!

"Hey, are you ok Pooja? You seem... anxious?" Asked  Remya staring at me.

"Yeah... Yeah I am fine, just a little tired." I said, smiling at her.

"Oh, then we can go to an ice cream parlor, it will make your mood better."

"No no... I have plans, I am sorry."

"Oh it's ok, we can go next time. Do you have plans with Drishya today?"

"No, ahh, with someone else." I said, giving her a nervous smile.

"Wooo, is this someone a girl or boy?" Asked Remya wiggling her eyebrows.

"Ahh... " I couldn't answer her neither could I control the blush creeping on my cheeks.

"OH. MY. GOD. what did I miss?" She screeched, pushing her chair towards me. "You are hiding so many things from me nowadays Pooja," she said, pinching my forearm, glaring at me.

"Drama queen, you are so cute." I said pulling at her bubbly cheeks. She swatted my hands away.

"Don't change the topic and tell me who is this handsome you are daydreaming of."

"Hey, I am not dreaming of anybody."

"Oh please, I am sitting right next to you Pooja, and have eyes and common sense. I can say when you are having a dirty thought in your mind." She said and wiggled her eyebrows. " Sometimes you will blush crimson and bite your lips, sometimes you will be staring at the ceiling and smiling, sometimes you will be caressing that big hickey he left on your neck, somet-"

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