As you wish

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"I do remember telling you to wait for me", Pavan said when Drishya opened her door. She was wearing a black silky gown that reached the middle of her thighs.

She bites her lips and gave him her wicked smile, "But I remember about someone telling me to be a goodgirl and wait for him, and everyone knows that I ain't a good girl."

He put his palm on his chest in mock surprise, "OMG, how could I forget that!! Especially when I know how bad you can be... right?"

"Yes you are, so.... Why are you here Mr. Pavan, I thought we settled everything about this sneaky meetings and all" she said crossing her arms and leaning to the door.

"Did we? Or did only YOU settle things by YOURSELF without my consent?"

"I don't have time for these silly things Mr. Pavan, you have to go before my date comes." She said looking straight in his eyes and blocking the entrance.

"Your date... hmm, I feel sorry for him, how will he feel when he hear you moaning my name when I f**k you hard and fast against this door." he said closing the distance and towering over her. "Poor man he will be heartbroken, don't you think?" he said lifting her chin and caressing her soft cheeks with my thumb.

She gulped her saliva and said, "That will only happen if I let you and I am not going to let you,"

"Are you sure?" he slowly dragged the tips of his fingers through her silky gown to her puckered nipple and drawing circles around it with his forefinger "These are telling me the opposite,"

She shuddered when her nipples hardened and a jolt of pleasure met her core. "Pavan..."

"Yes darling?" He asked with a smirk.

"Stop it..."

"Make me," he wishpered on her ears while his teeth grazed her earlobe.
She could only hold on to his shirt and twist it in her hands making his body press to her's.

"I... I... don't like this... I don't like us..." she said while tilting her head back to give him access to her throat.

Unknowingly she was letting her guard down for him.

His other hand snakes around her waist to the small of her back and pushes her flush to his body. "Don't lie to me," he growled and licked up her throat to her jaw. "Your body is negating the things your brain says. You do like us Drishya, don't ignore that. Tell me what's making you say that, tell me what's wrong babe." He said looking into her eyes. They held emotions which Drishya wasn't ready for.

She pushed his body away and this time he let her. "You need to go." She stubbornly ignores her feelings and her heart. 'This can't be entertained, this needs to stop now!,' she chanted like a Matra in her mind.

He stared at her with silted eyes and turned around to lock the door, he put the keys in his pocket, with a wicked smile he faced a fuming Drishya. " As you wish, Miss Stubborn."

"What the f**k are you doing!!" Drishya asked, stomping her feet.

Ignoring her tantrums Pavan whistled and walked to her bedroom and Drishya followed him angrily. "It was a long day and I am exhausted." He said in between yawning.

Drishya stood in front of him, "What do you think you are doing? Get out of my house!! Now!!"

Pavan again ignored her and looked everywhere but at her. He sat in her bed stared to undo his shirt buttons. "Care to join?" He asked with a smirk.

Drishya's eyes followed the trail of the skin his shirt is exposing to her. Strong muscles which she used to whorship for a long time. Pavan was a well built man, and that was her weakness. Shaking her feelings off her mind she glared at him.

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