*Belle Malfoy*

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Narcissa woke up to a bright Monday morning with the sun rays peeping into the room. She sat upright, rubbed her eyes, and noticed she wasn't in her bedroom. Perplexed, she scanned the room, and Severus entered, handing her a cup of coffee. Narcissa looked up at him, still confused, until the memories of last night rushed back to her. Lucius and Narcissa had a terrible fight, and things escalated when Lucius got drunk and became violent. Narcissa had to leave and spend the night with Severus, but the situation got out of hand, and they slept together.

It took several months for Narcissa to realize that she was carrying Severus' child instead of Lucius'. She chose not to tell Severus about the pregnancy and instead informed Lucius that they would have their first child. Despite knowing it was an isolated incident, Narcissa couldn't help but reflect on her thoughts.


On June 5th, 1980,

Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy eagerly anticipated their second child's arrival at the hospital. Although Lucius initially hesitated about having another daughter, he was overjoyed to hear that Narcissa was giving birth to a boy. Isabelle, their first child, had been born almost fifteen months earlier, and they had not planned on having another child until they changed their minds after their firstborn was a girl.

Narcissa's pregnancy was challenging, much like her previous one with Isabelle. Despite this, she found joy in strolling through the gardens and reading. However, her birthday was incredibly challenging as she was bedridden due to morning sickness. Her sister Bellatrix visited on a rare occasion to check on her, and they shared a close relationship, calling each other by their nicknames, Cissy and Bella.

Lucius was committed to being by his wife's side during the birth of their child, just as he had been for Isabelle's arrival. He made a conscious effort to stay home more during his wife's third trimester and spend quality time with his wife and daughter before their new addition arrived. This time, he was hoping for a son.

During the long labor, Lucius put a pain-blocking spell on his hand so Narcissa could squeeze it as hard as she could. Although he couldn't help but laugh, Narcissa was not in the mood for laughter as she gave birth to their precious child. When their second child was born, it wasn't breathing, and the little one was rushed out of the room. Lucius comforted Narcissa, who wanted to hold their baby in her arms.

The midwife brought little Draco to Narcissa after ensuring he breathed and cleaned up. Narcissa's face lit up with joy upon seeing her son for the first time and holding him in her arms. Lucius was equally thrilled to have a son and looked forward to seeing both children grow up together, given their close age. Draco's birthday was June 5th, and Isabelle's was March 5th, so the Malfoys combined their birthdays into one big celebration.

As Isabelle grew up, her appearance changed, signaling that she might not be biologically related to Lucius. To conceal her genuine identity for a while longer, Narcissa applied the Ristaris Charm on Isabelle, which transformed her hair and eye color. Despite struggling to meet her father's expectations, Isabelle was excited to start Hogwarts in her second year when Draco began in 1991.

Fast forward a few years.

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