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"Belle," Lucius said, his voice low and husky. It wasn't long before she saw a woman with black hair, freckles, and green eyes popping her head up from his lap.

"Oh, come on, babe. My throat is like a daycare; fill it with your children," the woman said.

"Who are you?" This bitch dared to ask Belle as she finally looked up from Lucius's junk.

"I live here; who are you?" Belle asked sharply. Her voice was low and menacing; if looks could kill, they'd both be dead. The other woman just stared at Belle without moving or speaking.

"Now, Belle, let me explain," Lucius calmly said.

"Explain what, dad? You're a pathetic excuse for a parent. What about mom? I shouldn't come home to see my father getting his dick sucked by some whore! " Belle spat out. She had folded her arms over her chest in anger.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me," Lucius replied. Belle took a deep breath and stared Lucius down.

"This is the type of stress I don't need! Also, I am having a girl. Once school is over, I will be moving out. I'll have Draco give you updates on your grandchild. Good day!" Belle yelled. Her anger spilled out everywhere; the whole house shook. Lucius just stood there. He didn't utter a word. The other woman finally moved and bolted out of the Manor as fast as possible.

Belle grasped the portkey and vanished into thin air, reappearing at 12 Grimmauld Place. She was eager to share the news with her second family. They were overjoyed to learn that Belle had given birth to a girl, but they suspected the baby would take after her. Sirius advised her to return to school to avoid getting into trouble. Belle planned to move to 12 Grimmauld Place at the end of the school year. Little did she know that it would be her last time seeing Sirius. Voldemort had deliberately kept her in the dark about the events unfolding during her pregnancy at her parent's insistence, so she had no idea about what was about to happen. When she returned to school, she caught up with Draco to update him about everything.

"Alright, so the baby is fine. I'm having a girl, and I caught dad cheating," Belle said in one breath.

"You caught our father with another woman?" Draco asked, not wanting to believe his father would do such a thing.

"Yeah, it was disgusting," Belle angrily replied. Draco nods his head; they part ways and head to their dorms. Harry was having some types of nightmares; first, he saw someone getting killed, then said something about Arther. Harry had saved Arther from a snake attack; it was Nagin, and we all knew that. Belle had a chance to tell Fred about the baby during winter break at the Weasley, and the whole family was excited. Belle was thrown all over the place between working with Voldemort, not knowing shit, and helping Harry figure out his dreams. All this added stress was killing her, making her weak and tired all the time.

Belle had to use the bathroom. She was still at the Weasleys, and when she wiped, she noticed some blood that scared her. She ran straight to Molly, and they rushed her to St. Montague's to have some tests and ensure everything was going OK.

The doctor returned with the result and told Belle she shouldn't be overworking herself so far along. Molly was in shock and taken aback by this information. Molly told the doctor that Belle would be taking it easy from now on. The doctor agreed and nodded his head; they left to head home. Everyone was at Grimmauld Place, so that's where they needed to go; everyone was sitting around the table when they entered. Molly made Belle take a seat before serving her some tea.

"Is there something you'd like to tell me?" Molly asked, her voice filled with anger

"Well," Belle said on the brink of tears.

"Go on, tell me," Molly said, sitting beside her.

"I've been dealing with Voldemort the past few weeks. He has thrown me all over the place. And I've been trying to help Harry. The whole war," Belle managed to say in between tears.

"Oh, dear, why would you put yourself in this situation?" Molly asked.

"I wanted to prepare for this war, and being pregnant with this child drains me," Belle replied.

"You're not going to be involved with this war. At. All." Sirius barked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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