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A/N: Rewritinf the story again (6/2024) Art in banner belongs to @swliYHBPe9XQQZeon twitter

(This must be S rank hell)

With a scoff, you stare at the negative balance of anarchy battle points. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't win anymore

(I shouldn't have laughed at the streamer. Whatever)

Fed up with the game, you set your Switch to the side and grab your phone.

(I'll check out SplatNet before I get off)

You open the NSO app eager to find some new gear to order

(These aren't bad)

A variation of the Squidkid 3's with the stealth jump ability stood out to you. Without a second thought you place the order then exit the shop.

Looking at the home screen you spot a app that previously wasn't there

Looking at the home screen you spot a app that previously wasn't there

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A/N: The squid app in the bottom right

(They add new a feature ? )

Curious, you tap the squid application and to your dismay nothing happens.


As you move to tap it again your surroundings go pitch black

(Did the power go out ?)

You swivel your head around as you turn your phone's flashlight on when a sharp pain suddenly shoots through your body causing you to stiffen up

(What the hell ?)

The pain grows stronger by the second and your body tenses up like a statue

(Yo what— am I having a heart attack ?!)

Fears starts to crowd your mind as you try to move from the bed but your body refuses to cooperate.

The tension in your body suddenly disappears replaced by a feeling of relaxation. Your limbs droop to the side and you fall forward unable to keep your spine straight

A new pains digs deep into you, your body feels like it's stretching like a rubber band.

(Damnit this hurts!)

You tightly shut your eyes unable to bear the pain. It feels like it lasts for centuries until-- it suddenly stops. With an annoyed exhale you open your eyes, but what you found wasn't the bedroom you were just lying in

 With an annoyed exhale you open your eyes, but what you found wasn't the bedroom you were just lying in

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haIKAra (Splatoon 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now