the crater

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A/N: Chapter 5
Art belongs to @swliYHBPe9XQQZe on twitter
This chapter mainly goes through the missions but there's some conversations and stuff i added that wasn't in game

Cuttlefish: Hold up bucko. Take a gander at that-- it's a portrait of the New Squidbeak Splatoon's Captain. Not a bad likeness, eh ?

Y/N: Not bad at all. She looks strong

Cuttlefish: The Captain was Agent 3 before you were Agent 3, Agent 3. Nothin' complicated about it. You... you know the Captain, right ?

Y/N: Of course

Cuttlefish: I knew it ! The Captain's a real celebrity... You know I used to be Captain, right ?

Y/N: Back in the good ol' days ?

Cuttlefish: It was me 'n' my bamboozler against the world !

He points his bamboozler, turned cane, towards the sky

Cuttlefish: But how's that likeness lookin'?

Y/N: It's a good drawing

Cuttlefish: It's a masterpiece ! Thanks for the input, squiddo. Lemme know when you want me to immortalize YOU

Y/N:That's cool, that you can draw like that

Cuttlefish: Alright, let's look for a way into the Octarian base... And keep your ears open for my nuggets of wisdom!

You begin your descent towards the center, careful to run into any fuzzy ooze

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You begin your descent towards the center, careful to run into any fuzzy ooze

Cuttlefish: Mind the fuzzy ooze that's all over the place. Touch that stuff, and who knows what'll happen

Y/N: I see

Cuttlefish: Oh, right. I know what'll happen. FLOOF! Instant full-body beard... whether you want it or not!

Y/N: Full body beard sounds crazy (Can I respawn still ?)

Eventually you run into a large roadblock patch of fuzzy ooze

Cuttlefish: OK, now that is one big pile of Fuzzy Ooze. That big ol' bubble on top is probably the Fuzzball. I bet if you could POP that, the whole thing would BOOF! Disappear! But I doubt your ink'll do the trick. Eh... let's worry about that later. For now, keep looking for a way into the Octarians' base !

Y/N: I see a gold kettle over there

Cuttlefish: That oughta take us right to em ! Shoot the lid and blow it open

You steady your aim at the kettle, feeling a slight pain in your shoulder from the recoil of the gun. The lid pops off in a vat of steam

Cuttlefish: Chaaaarge !

Octarians in the Crater ? YIKES!

Cuttlefish: Here we go ! It's there real deal, Agent 3 !

Y/N: I'm ready

haIKAra (Splatoon 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now