i can buy you another

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A/N: Chapter 3 rewrite (6/2024)
Art belongs to @swliYHBPe9XQQZeon twitter

???: It's fine

Y/N: (Sounds like a woman's voice)

The presumed female kneels to grab a plastic bag that was on the ground beside them. The inside was stained a murky brown with what appeared to be noodles floating around

The warped letters wrapped around the surface spelled "Ramen Sumamato". With a quick glance behind the girl, you confirm your arrival at the restaraunt

Y/N: (At least I made it to the restaurant)

???: ...

She walks to a nearby trashcan holding the dripping, broth soaked bag at an arm's length.

Y/N: (She might be bad yo, she sounds bad..) Yo my fault, i'll buy you another bowl

???: That won't be necessary

The only feature you could make out was a pair of blue eyes looking back at you. She straightens her cloak and tugs her hood closer to her face.

Y/N: I feel bad though, I fucked your food up. I was boutta eat here anyway

She doesn't respond immediately, as if contemplating her response

???: ....Well, since you're so persistent


Hostess: Welcome to Ramen Sumamato. Table for two ?

Y/N: (They looked like they were on their way out before I crashed into them) Nah, can I place a to go ord—

???: Could we have that table in the back corner ?

The hostess looks between the two of you

Hostess: So, you're dining in this afternoon ?

Y/N: Uh, yeah (She wants to eat with me ?)

She grabs two menus and leads you to the table the individual accompanying you requested. It was tucked in the corner and out of sight

The girl(?) takes the seat facing the wall, with her back turned to the restaurant. You  glance around the restaurant before shifting your focus to the cloak concealing their appearance

Y/N: (They're trying mad hard not to be seen— am I about to get jugged man)

You slightly lean back 

Y/N:(They might be someone important though) What's up with the hood ?

???: Ah, I'm a bit shy. I don't like when people look at me. Is that a problem ?

Y/N: Not really I was just wondering

You begin to browse the menu before you

Y/N: Got any recommendations ?

???: The spicy charshu, chicken tan tan, or spicy miso are pretty good.

Y/N: Sounds like you're a spicy food demon

???:  Sweat dripping down my brow, mouth full of steam.There's no feeling quite like it 

Her green eyes lit up with excitement

Y/N: Yeah you're crazy. Gotta be a masochist

???: What, you can't take the heat ?

Y/N: Hell nah. Rather not be in actual pain

???: You'll get used to it

Y/N: That's not something I want to get used to

???: Try the spicy miso. I promise it won't disappoint

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