If i were an inkling what would I do

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A/N: Chapter 2 rewrite (6/2024)
Art in banner belongs to @swliYHBPe9XQQZeon twitter

Y/N: ("If I were an inkling what would i do"—never thought of that)

Glancing around the area you observe all the people, shops, everything you were familiar except now in first person.

(Guess I'll do everything)

Descending the stairs in front of you, you walk over to Crush Station

Mr.Coco: Come in, come in. Welcome to Crush Station!

Y/N: Hello, how are you ? (Damn he's buff as hell— must've skipped leg day though)

Mr.Coco: Good, thank you. You are one fresh fiend, what can I do for you ?

Y/N: Just taking a look around for now

Mr.Coco: Just give a shout if you need anything
He says with a nod

Y/N: I will

Amidst the endless gallery of shoes you spot a select group that were exhibited apart from the rest

Y/N: Excuse me, what's up with these ?

Mr.Coco: That's our daily special. Everyday I select 9 pairs of shoes and run a promotion on them

Y/N: Word. Thank you

After aimlessly wandering around for a few minutes you decide to leave

Y/N: Have a good one

Mr.Coco: You too coach

Next, you enter Man-o'-Wardrobe

Jel la Fleur: Ah, you are here. Good. Welcome to Man-O'-Wardrobe

Y/N: Hello (Sounds like he was expecting me )

Jel: Is there anything I can help you find ?

Y/N: I'm okay. thanks

He nods his head in responde

Jel: If you need fashion advice, I am here to help

You ended up browsing this store shorter than the last

Y/N: (Nothing good in her either) Have a good on e

Jel: You as well

As you exit the shop you hold the door open for an octoling that was walking in

Y/N:(I think Naut Couture is up a fire escape)

You stick to the wall as you try to locate said stairs

Y/N: (Up here)

A sign at the base of the stairs pointed you in the right direction

Gnarly Eddy:  Yo... Welcome to Naut Couture.  You're pretty fresh huh ?

Y/N: Thanks, you too

Eddy: Think we got some fresh new gear or something if you're interested. Right, Boss ?

Nails: You betcha !

Y/N: Word, I'll take a look

You spent an even shorter time in this shop than the last

Y/N: I'll see you later

Eddy: Take care...

Nails: Come back soon !

Y/N: (I miss Flow she always had cool stuff. I should go see her....)

"Ah, hello my little inkfish"

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