breaking news

471 17 18

A/N: Chapter 4
Art belongs to @swliYHBPe9XQQZe on twitter

Shiver: can u do 5pm wednesday ?

Y/N: yeah that's cool

Shiver: i look forward to it

You set your phone to the side and push yourself to your feet. The light patter of ink dripping off you filled the empty room

Y/N:( Damn my neck is stiff)

As you rub the afflicted area you gaze at the vanishing puddle of ink that was your bed moments ago

Y/N:(When's my bed gonna get here..)

You head into the bathroom and begin to wash your face and brush your teeth

Y/N: (Linking Deep Cut in like 32 hours, i'm excited. I'm gonna be on TV yo, what should i say)

You look at yourself in the mirror

Y/N: (I got myself but I don't know anything that actually goes on in this world)

After exiting the bathroom you open your closet to observe the clothes you grabbed from your world the previous evening

Y/N: (As long as my fit hard though)

Your gaze lingers on the clothes

Y/N: ( I shoudlve grabbed more stuff so I won't have to make another trip. That teleportation shit is way too painful)

As you recall the pain you felt hours ago you wince

Y/N: (Realistically how's this even possible, tech was never that advanced back home)

After pouring a bowl of Kraken Puffs you pull out your phone to do some research

"how could i teleport"

Y/N: (Dematerialization... If my body was broken down and then reconstructed, but I don't think that's happening. I still feel whole)

You jump between forums and websites skimming the contents. A recurring word began to stand out


Y/N: (Like Interstellar)

"wormhole teleportation "

Y/N: " a wormhole can be visualized as a tunnel with two separated ends in spacetime"... "a connected pair of black holes form a wormhole".)

"what does it feel like to go through a blackhole"

Y/N: (" your body would start to be stretched—stretched like a spaghetti.)

You recall the sensation of being stretched thinner, and thinner, and thinner when you used the app

Y/N: (I should be dying if I'm jumping into a black hole though.. I'll look into it later I'm tryna hit the lobby"

As you set the cereal bowl in the sink you check the lobby schedule

Y/N:( Splat zones isn't for another— 5 hours..)

And the grizzco work postings

Y/N:( L Marooner's Bay—)


An loud siren suddenly wails from your phone, startled you drop it to the table

Y/N: (What the fuck yo )

An alert notification was on the screen in all caps. Before you could read it the screen automatically rotates horizontal and begins playback

haIKAra (Splatoon 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now