Why The Hell Do YOU Care!?

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It's been a few weeks since Regulus kissed Severus and Severus was avoiding him like he killed his cat in front of him before turning the dead cat into a rat and feeding it to another cat.

(Me: What the hell did I write?)

It took him a week or two to be able to stand near Regulus without spontaneously combusting on the spot and running away with his tail between his legs, which was amusing to Lily and frustrating for Regulus but he's gotten over it... Kinda... He still can't look Regulus in the eyes without blushing like a school maiden being stared at by the cutest guy in school but he won't run away now whenever he's near Regulus like he's training to participate in a marathon or to compete in the Olympics so... I guess that's an improvement.

Whether that's a good improvement or not is your call to make because let's be real for a second... He was probably burning so many calories every time he ran away from Regulus in those two weeks alone because school stairs are not a joke but moving back to the plot the I've strayed away from.

Severus, Regulus and Lucius were currently eating breakfast at the Slytherin table with Severus hunch over the table shoving his breakfast down his throat like it would be the last meal he would eat for the rest of his life before choking on a piece of his food and burying his face in his elbow that was on the table.

(Narrator: Just like how he 'bout to shove deez n- *gets slapped*
Me: Stop it with those jokes!! It's not even that funny!!

Lucius looked at Severus before rolling his eyes at him followed by a sigh like his friend wasn't losing oxygen and 'bout to fall over dead at any minute now. Lucius roughly hit him on the back a couple of times until Severus stopped wheezing like a gracefully dying rat. After getting the food that was causing him pain and misery, Severus just layed there motionless with his head on the table.

"Sev you better not die on me now! We haven't gotten married yet!" Regulus whined as he shook him.

Now do you understand why Severus was avoiding him like he carried an uncurable disease that causes instant death.

"Just because you kissed me on the cheeks once does not mean I'm marrying you're dumbarse" Severus said.

"Why are you even in a hurry anyway? You don't have class until later this afternoon." Lucius asked in an exasperated tone while looking at his friends like they were the stupidest people alive which according to Severus, was a hundred percent false because the only dumb one between the three of them is Regulus.

Those are Severus' words and not mine, the harmless and innocent narrator that's just reading a script, so to all Regulus admirers take his words with a grain of salt and if you take it personally... Go after Severus and not me.

(Me: I swear to freaking god... if you break the fourth wall one more time... I'm sending you to space and reducing you're pay...
Narrator: Wait a minute... I WAS GETTING PAID!?!?)

After a moment of dead silence, Severus finally lifted his head up with tears in his eyes that made him look like a harmless kitten.

Lucius and Regulus felt an arrow shot through their hearts courtesy of cupid before looking away from Severus while putting a hand over their hearts.

'TOO CUTE!!' they thought to themselves.

"I still have to finish my divination homework that's due today and I plan to do it in the library after I finish eating breakfast so I'll be going now I'll see you guys later. Bye!" Severus said picking up his stuff before bolting out the door of The Great Hall doors like a bull, either ignoring or oblivious to his friends inner dilemma, unaware of a pair of eyes following him.


Now James wasn't a stalker by any means.

(A/n: That's a lie we all know that)

But after he saw Severus leave the Great Hall he decided to follow him because who wouldn't follow their supposed enemy around just to see what their up to, only him apparently, so now here he was sitting a few tables away from Severus while holding a book that was upside-down but no one tell him that because no matter what way he holds a book he won't get any smarter.

He watched Severus for about... The whole time he was in the library. James was laser focused on everything Severus did and when I say everything, I mean everything. To the way he sneezed up to the way he even blinked.

He stared at Severus as he got up to leave for his class. As Severus left got up, James took deep breath, although he didn't know the reason why, before getting up and following him out the library. He followed Severus for a minute before deciding to speed up in order to catch up to him and slamming him as gently as he can to a nearby wall, pinning him there.

Severus let out a 'very manly' yelp as he was kabedon to a wall before making eye contact with James.

"What the heck do you want Potter!?" Severus asked in an annoyed tone.

"Why the hell did you do it?"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Why did you kiss Sirius' brother?"

"I don't know if you were watching or your just blind even with glasses but one, he kissed me. Two, it was on the cheek and three, I don't see why this concerns you in any way shape or form" Severus said in a factual tone but James didn't respond.

He just stared at him for a while until Severus started getting nervous and felt his palm sweating.

"What are you staring a-" Severus was cut off when he was kissed by his worse enemy.

Severus eyes widened as he never expected this to happen to him like ever in his whole entire life. He quickly got over his shock and pushed the git away with all his might. James, who wasn't expecting it stumbled a few feet away for Severus.

"Are you out of your mind!!! Why would you do that!?! You really think that after everything you and your idiotic friends done to me, you can just waltz on in and kiss me!?! Well guess what you oversized git!!! I hate you with every fiber in my body!!! So why don't you do both of us a favour and leave me the f*ck alone. Continue chasing Lily because guess what? I don't like her anymore!!! So just leave me the f*ck alone already you prick!!!" Severus shouted so loud that he started to sound like a maiden that got cheated on by her boyfriend before storming off towards his next class.

James was left there alone, unable to move before he managed to knock himself out of dream land and made his way towards class or maybe he didn't and went off somewhere else because let's be honest.... This man will never go to classes without the help of our good friend... Remus' fist because that man hits like a truck wanting to isekai you into another dimension.

The whole day his mind was racing with two different things in mind.

'Why did I do that? Do I actually like him like that even more than I like Lily? Am I even into guys?'


'Man his lips were soft.... I wish I could snog the living daylights out of him whenever I want'

Because this is James the prick were talking about here who can't keep his hands to himself like the horny growing boy that he was but one thing is confirmed... He will not be leaving Severus alone like how he asked him too because he will be clinging into him like Severus is his lifeline.

Because maybe... Just maybe... Severus is his lifeline... Not Lily


A/n: Guess who finally decided to update... Me! In my defense... I was kinda stuck on what I wanted to write because I already had a base line of what I wanted to do but couldn't figure out how to execute it but I managed to figure it out... Anyways... Hope your having a lovely day and see you in the next chapter!! Bye, bye!!

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