I Won't Make The Same Mistake

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A/n: Before the chapter starts did Snape call Lily a mudblood in his 6th or 5th year? If it was in 5th year... Just pretend it was in his 6th year okay? Hope you enjoy!


Severus still couldn't process the fact the fact that he was back here in this wretched place but let's be honest... I think everyone would feel the same way if they has to experience school again. Besides that, he couldn't look at the Great Hall because of the horrible memories the place brought him. Who knows how long will it be until he can finally move on from it but until down he'll just drown himself in depression and anxiety. He was just sitting down on the bathroom floor staring into nothingness, no thoughts running through his head as he kept muttering to himself.

For example;

"I won't make the same mistake"

"I'll be a better person"

"I won't let it happen again"

"I'll keep her safe"

This my fellow readers... Is what emotional damage and downward spiral looks like... I welcome you. Unbeknownst to Severus, James saw him sitting on the ground mumbling like a maniac as he kept staring straight ahead.

"Oi Snivellous! You doing alright there buddy or have you finally lost it?" James mocked even though he was kinda worried.

'What the hell is going on with him?' James thought to himself as Severus didn't give him an awnser which means he either ignored him or didn't hear him and continued on with his mumbling.

"Oi Snivellous... You okay... You're starting to freak me out over here..." James said, receiving no response in return.

James decided that he was tired being ignored by the likes of him and shook Severus by his shoulder.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" Severus shouted as he got up from the floor and pushed James' hand off of his shoulder which surprised James as he backed up into the bathroom sink.

James stared Severus right in his eyes and saw his pupil shake violently like he was not in the right state of mind which he wasn't... Cause... You... Know... He kinda wasn't. James has never seen Severus like this before... He always looked tough even though he and his friends... You know... Bullied him to the point of no return but thats beside the point right now. The point is he didn't look mentally... Sound... I think that's the right word. Severus just sighed quietly while he tried to calm himself down.

Severus closed his eyes and buried his face into the palm of his hands as he slowly breathed in and out. James just kinda... Stood there... Like the awkward human being that he was at the time. He just kinda stared at him while he tried to get back his mental stability that he lost for about 10 minutes, if he even had it in the first place. After a few minutes of breathing exercises that he has mastered over the years of being a socially awkward person. He uncovered his face and opened his eyes to look at the Gryffindor that interrupted his, almost, daily mental breakdown session with a glare.

"Never speak about this to ANYONE! GOT IT!" Severus threatened James.

Without waiting for an awnser from the now speechless Gryffindor he left the bathroom and made his way towards his first class of the day. James just stood there in confusion for a few seconds before he realised that he might be late for class. So off he went off too class with a newfound curiosity for Severus... As he should...


It was the end of the school day because no one wants to listen to what was going on during Severus' classes if they were no drama or he wasn't making out with James Potter or something. Severus was in the library with Lily and they were face to face with everyone students number 1 mortal enemy... Homework... DUN-DUN-DUN!!! DISGUSTING but anyways...

As they were doing their homework Lily decided to voice out her thoughts because she noticed how out of it he was today, like everyone has pointed out through out almost the entire day. He seemed like his mind was elsewhere which seemed a bit abnormal for him because he always paid attention in class in order to keep his grades up. This concerned Lily alot so she decided that now would be a good time to ask him about it.

"Hey Sev..." Lily call out to him.

Severus hummed in response letting Lily know that he was listening as he continued to write on his piece of parchment in order to finish his assignment for Divination Class which in all honesty is the worst class in all of Hogwarts. He still can't understand why he decided this class was a good idea to take for his education.

"Have you... Been feeling well lately?"

'Oh merlin... Not her to! Why are they all asking if I'm okay or not?Do I suck at acting or something'

(A/n: Yes... You do)

"I'm perfectly fine. Why are you asking me this in the first place?"

"Is just... You seem pretty out of it... Like you're distracted or seemingly bothered by something... I'm just worried... You know you can count on me... Right?" Lily asked as she put her hand on Severus as a way to comfort an reassure him that he could tell her anything.

'I'm sorry... I can't tell you...'

"It's nothing... I promise... No need to worry about me"

"Are you absolutely sure?"

"I am..."

"...Fine. I'll trust you this time but remember you can tell me anything"

"I know... Thanks Lily... For being there for me" Severus said as tears started escaping his eye sockets like a true manly man.

Lily just laughed slightly as she hugged him and made him lay his head on her shoulder as she rubbed his head.

"No need to thank me! That's what friends are for! I got you're back! Now stop crying you big softie"


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