I'm A Badarse Now (Not)

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Severus didn't know what was going on with his brain but it suddenly decided that this night would be a good night to torture him with nightmares. If Severus didn't need his brain to live, not like he wants to live in the first place but apparently the universe wants him to suffer through the game called life.

(A/n: A reference to my Draco x Harry book! Go read it! I totally planned this promo)

He would've chucked his brain off the astronomy tower and let it fall to his death just like Dumbledore but then again... That would be too merciful so he decided to let his brain live to see another day.

(*Severus' brain that was quaking*: I'M SAFE!!😭👏)

Severus decided to get up and roam around the halls because of two reasons.

One, he was tired of lying down on his bed and staring up at the grim ceiling that looked just like his future.

Two, you only live once or in Severus' case twice... Maybe more.... But that's not up for discussion yet! So he decided to be a little bit of a badarse. He made up his mind and decided to go out of his dorm and roam the halls... PAST CURFEW!!!

*Dramatic anonymous noise starts playing*

He got up and changed out of his pyjamas because if he were to be caught by either a prefect or a teacher than he would not want to be caught wearing a cat onesie and yes he does own a cat onesie but don't tell Severus that you heard it from me because even if I'm the narrator he's still going to beat the bloody crap out of me. After getting changed, he slowly opened his door and slowly peeked out to make sure no one would catch him in the act before his midnight adventure could begin.

After making sure that no one would suddenly jump out of the shadows to send him into cardiac arrest, which seems to be happening quite frequently ever since he was sent back here. Not the someone jumping out of the shadows part but the getting sent into cardiac arrest because everyone, especially his friends, seem to find it extremely entertaining when he screams in suprise.

According to Lily he sounded like a girl that got separated from the group in a horror movie, hit a side table, thought it was a ghost and started screaming so loudly that people in China could hear his girlish screams of terror. If you asked Severus whether this was true or not he would firmly deny it because he does not scream like a girl because he is a very strong, handsome male which is completely untrue because you and I know that he's built like a very skinny twig that might just break if the wind blew a bit too hard.

I don't exactly have the right to say that because the author said that I need to stick to the script more or else I'm getting my salary deducted even though I'm pretty certain that I'm not getting paid but I'm willing to take this risk..... I'm getting way off track here so let's just get back to see what our lovely Severus is doing.

Severus slowly exited his room and quietly closed the door behind him before quietly making his way towards the dorms exit with quiet footsteps to make sure he doesn't get caught like a deer in headlights that's about to get run over by truck-kun. Oh, did I forget to mention that he was doing all of this quietly to make sure he didn't get caught?

(Author: Can you please stop saying 'quietly' and 'making sure he doesn't get caught' because I'm this close to smacking the sh*t out of you.
Narrator: Did you forget that you wrote this script!? I'm literally just reading what you wrote for me to say!?!!
Author: Oh yeahhh....
Narrator: *sighs out in frustration* Lord give me patience.
Author: Isn't it lord give me strength?
Narrator: If Lord gave me strength you would be six feet under)

Severus almost made it out of the Slytherin dorms unnoticed, aren't you glad I'm using a word that's not 'making sure he doesn't get caught', until....

"And where are you going at a time like this? Its one in the morning"

"HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF MERLIN!" Severus unintentionally shouted out in a loud "manly" voice that was loud enough to wake up the everyone in the Slytherin dormitory plus the students in the Hufflepuff dormitory but fortunately for him, the author decided to give him mercy and he didn't manage to wake up anyone with his "manly" scream.

Severus turned around to see who the culprit was only to see Lucius sitting on the couch with an accusing look on his face and his arm cross like Elastagirl(?) from the movie Incredibles when she caught her husband coming home late.

"Are you TRYING to kill me?"

"Perhaps... Now awnser my question"

"Well if you must know! I wanna talk a stroll outside"

"At one in the morning? We have classes tomorrow"

"It doesn't even matter if I go to bed or not. Its not like I can sleep anyway"

"What if you get caught by the teacher? Specifically Professor Mcgonagal (Me: Did I spell her name right?). You know she shows no mercy to students who break the rules"

"Relax.....! I'll be fine! Besides! If I were to be caught you'll help me out of it, right?" Severus asked with an unknowingly bright smile on his face that made Lucius squint his eyes a little because of it.

A few moments passed and Lucius still hasn't answered his question which made Severus sigh on the inside. Just as he was about to admit defeat and return to his room he heard Lucius let out a heavy sigh, like a disappointed father catching their son being up to no good but doesn't have the heart to stop him.

"Of course I'll help you out of it. Just make sure you don't do this again because I'm not saving your arse again after this"

"Thanks Lucius!! I knew I can count on you!" Severus said before giving Lucius a bear hug because during their conversation Lucius stood up from the couch he was sitting on. When? Who knows honestly. I'm just reading a script.

Lucius was shocked stiff because of it. Before he could react, Severus already let go of the hug and has already left the Slytherin dormitory, leaving Lucius all by himself in the quiet room.

He let out another deep sigh as he thought about all his life desicion before walking towards his room with one thing that kept circulating in his mind.


Your lucky I love you'


A/n: Bet you weren't expecting an update huh? Well hope you enjoyed this chapter and what do you think Lucius meant?? I'll let you think about it and I'll see you in the next one.... Whenever that is..... Love you!!

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