What Is He Talking About?

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Under the Hogwarts moonlight, you can see a small figure walking through the corridor and not in bed asleep as he's supposed to be because that's the quickest way to be sleep deprived and messed up in the head, not like the small figure walking around isn't already messed up in some way or another.

As we all already know, that small figure is Severus. Yep. The same one that bribed the infamous goldiloc- I mean... Lucius with a bright smile and cute attitude. Anyways... Back to the main protagonist of this book.

As Severus was walking down the corridor he started gliding his hand on the wall near him as he walked because that's what we all do when we're walking near a wall in school... Probably... Severus remembered when he was still ACTUALLY in school and not... An old man in the body of his teenager past self when he was an emotional wreck and had no idea what to do with himself. He stopped walking as he passed near a window and stared at all the stars shinning above him.

Severus remembered this exact window... He used to come here often just to relax after a whole day worth of being stressed out by everything and nothing at all. Wether that'd be class, homework, James and his stupid, obnoxious friends. Severus still can't believe that prat kissed him literally out of nowhere. How dare he think that he has a chance with his beautiful and smart self! He deserves way better than him after all the sh*t he's been through.

Severus sat on the window sill(?) and leaned against the wall as he kept looking outside the window.

"I still remember... Being lost and confused when I was younger... Having no idea what to do with myself... And making all the wrong decisions one person could ever make in their whole life..." Severus started off, not knowing that there was someone listening in on what he was saying.

" Not like that has changed really... Even as an adult I'm still making wrong desicions but that doesn't really matter now does it? I've already lived my life... I've already seen so many things that students right now can't even fathom about..." He stopped talking to recompose himself a bit because he felt like he was about to burst out in tears.

After a while, he continued with his self therapy session.

"Seeing dead bodies lying on the ground... Chaos being ensued no matter where I turned and being unable to do anything about it because I wasn't on the right side of the coin. I wasn't a hero nor was I the villain... I was just... There to do the most I could with everything going on around me... Not like I was much help anyway because in the end I couldn't make a significant impact to better the world and just... Perished... Like the bodies I saw... Lying lifeless on the floor..." He stopped again before looking up at the moon shining above the starry night sky.

"Alot of the time I wonder why I've been brought back here... Was it to start anew... For me to repent... Is this my punishment for picking the wrong side of the coin... I guess... I'll never get that awnser... Not until I die again... If I can even die at this point because who knows where I'll end up I could be reborn as a fish for all I know but one thing is crystal clear to me... I'm going to try to be the better version of my old self and I won't make the same mistakes I did... And I certainly won't let Potter bother me to the point of me finally snapping and walking down the same path I did all those years ago... " he said as he continued to admire the starry night sky.

Severus could've sworn he saw the moon shine a bit brighter when he finished his self therapy session but that could be a sign of his sleep deprivation finally catching up to him because he's starting to hallucinate after staring at something for too long. He sat there for a few minutes before getting up and heading back towards the Slytherin dormitory, unaware of a pair of eyes watching him as he walked away from the scene.

'What in the f*ck did I just hear?!?!'

I'm sure you can or will figure out who that was.

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