I'm Not Crying You Are

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Severus finished getting ready and continued looking at himself in the full body mirror still trying to process the fact that he was back in his 6th year at Hogwarts and the fact that he might have to face Lily again after her death. He just sighed to himself before deciding to suck it up (A/n: If you know what I me- *gets slapped*) and made his way downstairs towards the Slytherin Common Room where his friends were waiting for him... Supposedly... Probably... They probably were... (A/n: They were)

"Look who finally arrived... His highness Severus Snape!" Lucius said slowly while giving him the kinda over dramatic slow clap, followed by the rest of Severus friends.

Severus just rolled his eyes at them.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm here... We can go no-" Severus said before he abruptly stopped when he saw Lily which almost sent him into a downward spiral that I'm pretty sure most have you have experienced before.

He had to physically stop himself from running towards her, tackling her in a hug and just start bawling his eyes out but he refuses to that for 2 reasons.

1. He needs to stay in character... Kinda... He doesn't want to act too out of character. I mean... He could if he really wanted to but he doesn't want to screw up the future that much.

2. He wants to keep the little dignity, if even had that in the first place, he has left, OK!

His friends were slightly concerned at the fact that he just stopped talking all of a sudden. He also looked like he stopped breathing and had a heart attack but who knows! He might have! (A/n: He did almost have a heart attack but his will to live was stronger, unfortunately)

"You okay Sev?" Narcissa asked noticing his slightly out of it behavior.

Severus closed his eyes and took a deep breath to stop him from going on a downward spiral that sounded very tempting to him right now but they're going to be late foe breakfast. He managed to compose himself and reopened his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine... Let's go"

And with that Severus was the first one out the portrait door while his friends looked at him curiously wondering the same thing.

'What's up with him?


'I think I'm gonna throw up' Severus thought to himself while looking at the food that was in front of him. It took a lot of willpower (?) out of him to not throw up.

Don't get him wrong the food looked and smelled good but the pair of eyes that were drilling into his soul from the Gryffindor Table was unnerving to say the least. He hoped to whatever upper being was up there for it to be Lily, he wouldn't know if that was true or not because he doesn't want to look. God forbid if that pair of eyes belonged to who he thought he was, he might as well just jump off from the astronomy towe- Hey that might not be a bad idea (A/n: This is just a joke...). As Severus was thinking of ways to escape from this cruel world he was interrupted by Regulus.

"Are you sure you're okay Sev? You seem kinda out of it? You're not even eating despite not eating last night either"

"I'm fine... Just kinda tired... I'll head to class first"

And with that, Severus left for class first walking very fast while his friends looked at his leaving figure in concern and confusion. Unbeknownst to the all of them, someone from the Gryffindor followed suite after Severus left the Great Hall.


James Potter kept an eye on Severus Snape more so than usual. He had no idea why he just felt the sudden urge to just look at him and observe his every movement but just by looking at him he felt like something was up with him. It's not like he was worried about his well-being. What are you? Crazy? Who was he to care about his mortal enemy who wanted to stand in the way of him and his Lily pads love? Not him certainly because that would be absurd!

(A/n: You smell that fellow readers? It's the sweet, sweet smell of denial my friends from our one and only Gryffindor)

James saw Severus get up and leave the Great Hall. He decided to follow him because of... Reasons... *cough* simp *cough*... He got up and made his way out of the Great Hall.

"And where are you going?" Remus questioned without looking up from the book he was reading.

"Going to class early" James said like it was the most normal thing in the world. Well it was for other people, but him? The world must be ending soon if him of all people was going to class early. Have you met him in person? Good because you don't want to meet him in person.

(James: Hey! I'm a great person!
Severus: Yeah... Sure... And I didn't die and reborn into my past unfortunate soul)

"You? Going to class early? Have you gone mad Prongs? You trying to impress Lily by being punctual?" Sirius teased his best friend.

James just rolled his eyes at him before he shoved Sirius from the shoulder before leaving the Great Hall and going after Severus who finally caved and is having breakdown in the bathroom.

'Where did Snivellous go?' James thought to himself as he looked around trying to find Severus.

James searched around for the next few minutes only to fail at finding Severus. Just as he decided to actually head to class, he passed the male's bathroom and picked up the sound of loud mumbling coming from inside. Out of curiousity he opened the door and went inside to investigate who was mumbling so loudly. He had a feeling they were trying to be as quiet as possible but... I Guess that was a failed mission because James could hear them as clear as day... As he ventured into the bathroom the mumbling grew louder until he finally found the source of the sounds (A/n: You're mo- *gets slapped again*). It was Severus.

Now why is he mumbling in the bathroom so loudly loudly you may ask my lovely, wonderful viewer? Well all will be revealed... In the next chapter...


A/n: Can I just say... I have no idea what I'm doing... I have a general idea about the plot so... I guess I kinda know what I'm doing? Hopefully? Oh well! I hope everyone has a good day and stay healthy! Love you!

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