Why... Just Why.... Why?

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"Do I really need to go??!?! I don't even like sports, let alone quidditch" Severus said as he was pulled unwillingly towards the most wretched place in existence... The quidditch field that might as well just be a death zone for frail boys like Severus... His words not mine.

(Severus: I did not say that!
Narrator: Don't worry your pretty little head Sev... I'll cut it out later *cough* *cough* not really *cough* *cough*
Severus: Goo- Wait, wha-
Narrator: Moving on!")

"Yep, you do! Now stop being difficult and stop making me bring you by force!" Lily said as she kept tugging Severus towards the death trap that people like to sit and play in for whatever reason.

"I'll stop when you tell me why I have to be here in the first place instead of having Lucius force me to get dressed first thing in the morning when I all I wanted to do was sleep in on a wonderful Saturday morning and not be dragged to this death trap!" Severus whined like an annoying newborn baby crying for milk or a diaper change.

(Severus: I don't whin-!
Narrator: Then stop arguing with the narrator and let me get on with the story!")

Lily let out a playful sigh of annoyance because yes she should have told him why he was being dragged out first thing in the morning but then again... If she did tell him where they were heading then he would've hissed like an angry cat and refused to get out of bed like an extremely spoiled child... He might also hex them too so there's that... He might also try to physically hit them but he punches like a baby because he's built like a twig that could snap at any moment which was why Lily was softly dragging him as to not accidentally break his arm.

"Because... Today's match is Slytherin VS Gryffindor which means... Regulus' playing today. He said he wanted you to come and watch him instead of staying in your room all day" Lily said in a matter of fact tone, like a mother trying to explain something new to their ignorant child.

(A/N: I'm not sure if Regulus is on the Quidditch team... If he's not... We'll now he is... but if he's not leave a comment)

Severus groaned out in annoyance before he finally caved... They were almost there anyway besides it's too late to make a run for it because Lucius was walking behind them ready to grab him if he tried to make a mad dash towards his safe heaven which is the Library because he's a nerd. Oh? You didn't know Lucius was walking behind them all this time? Well now you do and you can bet that he's currently laughing his arse off at Severus' misery. Now wether the laughs are internal or external is up for you to decide.

"Fine! But if one buldger comes towards me I'm leaving and not speaking to you guys until you buy me a life supply of either books or chocolate" Severus said half jokingly because if a buldger does come towards his head he might just let it hit his head in hopes that it kills him.

They made their way towards the players area to give some words of encouragement to Regulus. Now I know that you might be wondering, 'they're allowed in there?', the awnser to that question is quite simple. Nope! But do they care? The awnser to that question is also quite simple. N to the O, NO. Besides no one was stopping them from going there anyways so why not just waltz on in.

"Hey Reg! We managed to bring him like you asked!" Lily said as the gang walked towards Regulus like the girls from Mean Girls.

Regulus looked at them with a shocked look on his face like he just witness them do some sort of new witchcraft discovery that they made up on the spot.

"How did you guys manage to pull that off!?! It took me a decade to even get him to say yes to watch the match the day before it happened!" Regulus asked in an amazed tone as he shook Lucius and Lily by their shoulders while Severus stood to the side with an annoyed look on his face.

'Is it too late to unfriend them?' Severus thought to himself as he watched his friend cause a commotion while he read his book that he managed to grab before being dragged to heck by his so called "friends"

Severus just pretended to not to know Lily and Regulus who started shouting at each other for whatever reason.

Lucius managed to get away from them and stood next to Severus who offered to share his book so they could read it together to which he gladly accepted. Lucius leaned in closer to Severus whom held the book in between them and they started reading the book together while they waited for the other two to calm down.


A/n: Hey... It's been awhile... I had exams that lasted for two weeks which was torture.... I'll try to update more frequently but I can't say for certain... What I can say though is that this book is not being discontinue anytime soon so strap in for the wild ride and I'll see you in the next chapter! Have a good day! Bye2!

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