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It was raining in the evening make a certain girl so lazy to even went out from her room. Minju was on her bed having a staring contest with the ceiling of her apartment. She don't have any schedules today.

Sometimes she will hissed in pain. Touching her lower lips. Biting it. Letting it dry because if her lower lips got a water it will be pain. She was doing something to endure the pain on her lips. Her ulcer that on her lower lips.

"Arghhhh. I HATE THISS!!!" she groaned when her teeth just harshly touched the sensitive area.

She sat up on her bed and touched her lips that pouting. Her eyes was teary. She can't handle the pain. She's not used to this kind of thing. She have this pain for days already but she didn't think it could get like this. It's getting big. And she couldn't stop it. It's getting worse than before.

"I need Eunbi unnie for this.." she mumbled and snatched her phone that on the table that side by her bed.

She quickly searched for Eunbi number and calling it.

Tut Tut Tut~

"Eo? Minju-yah? Wae?" she was not expecting that Eunbi will picked up but thank god.

"Unnie~~" she whining and kicked the pillow that under her leg.

"Wae Minju-yahh? Are you okay there?" Eunbi asked as she was still playing with Geumbi.

"This... I don't know what is this but it's pain me." she murmured and touched her lips.

"What is that?" Eunbi stopped playing with Geumbi and focused to what Minju will say.

"My lips. There something on it. It's sting~" she whined again and let her body fall on her bed.

"I think I know what do you mean by that. It's ulcer Minju-yah. How long has been it going on?" Eunbi massaged her temples feeling worried for the younger.

"Days ago? I don't know how long, I was just feeling pain at first. It wasn't serious then but it was getting worse and now its unbearable. My lips already red. It hurts so much. I want to sleep but it always sting." she complained and kept biting her lower lips.

"Do you drink coffee in the morning?" Eunbi asked make Minju frowned confused.

"Yeah...Why unnie?"

"I told you to stop drink the coffee when it's still morning. Yes you can but drink the water first." Eunbi nags her but she just sighed.

"But it's already be my routine unnie. I barely got my peacefully sleep these days. I need energy so I drink it." she said and pouted.

Well these days she can't get her peacefully sleep because of the pain. When the morning came she was still feeling sleepy so that's why she kept drinking coffee to have some energy.

"Aishh. Your hardhead is still the same." Eunbi mumbled but Minju heard it made she pouted more.

"I can't come to you now since Hyewon will come to my apartment. I will just tell your GIRLFRIEND to come to your apartment and buy the cream for it. She is not busy right?" Eunbi said even emphasized the girlfriend word.

She started wondering why was the younger calling her and told her about it. She picked up the younger call earlier because it's rare for Minju to call her when her day off unless they were having some plan to hang out. And there she was thinking that maybe the two younger were having a fight.

"No. I don't want her." Minju pouted and frowned. Feeling annoyed hearing the statements.

Eunbi lifted up her brows. She was right. They were having a fight now. But it's Eunbi, the mother of the former group. She know if the younger girlfriend know about this she will immediately went to Minju apartment. Whipped.

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