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It's the end of the year thats mean winter season. Obviously will be cold weather. It has been raining a lot too lately. And of course certain people dont like it and Chaewon is one of them.

Chaewon was currently in her prespective room in their dorm. She was curling herself in a ball with her thick blanket. Looking like a fluffy ball.

It was rained. Cold. She hates it. Right now, her condition was not good at all, her nose was red, same goes to her eyes. Her eyes have been let out the water due to herself kept sneezing.

She have been sneezing from she woke up this morning. Thats why she was curling herself in a ball in her thick blanket. Its for lessening the cold in her body so she can stop the sneezing things. But she guees it doesnt work at all. Not at all.


There she is, a muffled sneeze can be heard in the room. She frowned when she felt it gonna happen again. But her frowns  disappeared once she felt it doesn't happen. Those what make her frustrating.

"Aishh.." she rubbed her nose agressively.

Doesn't care if it will turn red more.

"Chae unnie?" a voice suddenly can be heard in front of her door room.

She don't heard anything like knocking or the creaked door opened because she was too busy rubbing her nose.

She peeked out her head to the door. Squinted eyes. Seeing Yunjin head already peeked out too.

"Hmm..wae Yunjin-ahh.." her voice was hoarse due to all the sneezing things.

It felt like she was having a fever already.

"Can I come in?" the girl worriedly said when she heard the older hoarse voice.

"Yeah.." Chaewon answered and tried to sit up but still wrapping in her blanket.

"Are you okay unnie?" the younger sit on the edge of her bed.

Worriedly watching the older girl who was having the red nose, red squinted eyes, and sniffing agressively. 

"Uhh.. its just...aaa.. i cant stop snee— Aachoo!!" she sneezed loudly make Yunjin bit her lower lip feeling worried more.

"I guess not. I'm gonna call Kkura unnie." Yunjin said and Chaewon didn't even try to protest because she was getting dizzy. She nodded.

Yunjin went out of the room while Chaewon started to feel her nose itching.
She rubbed her nose agressively, closing her eyes.

"Yah yah. Dont rub it too hard. You will hurt yourself." she heard Sakura voice.

She immediately stopped rubbing her nose.

"Oh. So fast.." she mumbles lowly and looked at Sakura with looking drunk eyes.

Yunjin was there too behind Sakura.

"You look like shit Chae." Sakura said and nodded her head.

Chaewon just hummed in response, doesn't have any energy to bicker with the older.

"Why dont you put hot pack on your cheeks?" Sakura said and cupping the younger cheeks to give some warmth.

Chaewon just puffed up her cheeks, feeling the warmth and just letting Sakura hands on her cheeks. She literally looked like a born baby right now wrapping tightly in the blanket. Like a roll sushi.

"You want me to call Min here?" Sakura asked make she opened her eyes. (I mean try to open it.)

"She is busy unnie..." she uttered.

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