Chapter 18

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As the Bianchi family wakes up early in the morning on a Sunday. They get ready for the trial. While the brothers keep telling their selves that there was no way Aria was abused. Aria was in the bathroom slicing her tender skin on her thigh.

All of the brothers except for Elijah went out late last night. They had gone down to their gym as they needed to release anger. Although they know that it most likely didn't happen, even the thought of it had them blowing steam out of their ears.

That night, a minimum of 10 innocent souls were tortured.


I didn't get any sleep last night, right after Rodrigo shockingly hugged me, I left to my room and wasn't disturbed the whole night. I heard doors opening and shutting but didn't bother to come out.

Around 10pm I heard yelling out of anger which just made me snug further into my bed and silently sob as my whole body shakes tremendously. Luckily who I think was Elijah told my other brothers to leave. Who knows what they went to do. They probably left to take their anger for me out somewhere else.

I heard them come back in at 4am this morning, they were still muttering curse words but luckily not screaming.

I can't handle screaming. I reminds me too much of John and Dan.

"Darling are you ready?" Elijah softly calls.

I look in the mirror one last time at my dull face. I look even worse than yesterday. I don't know what todays trial is to bring, but I do know what I have to do. Deny. Deny. Deny.

3rd POV:

Aria stays quiet and to her self the whole ride to the courtroom. The men all respect her wishes yet they still have the urge to at least make her smile.

The trial goes on and on with Mr. Carter, the prosecutor, trying to get Aria to admit to the abuse. But with the eyes of John on her, she continues to lie and say she had a good life. Unfortunately, with Aria not cooperating, the judge dismissed the accusations. For now John is only accused of drug trafficking.

As the Bianchi family walk out of the court room, they all have one thing on their mind. Well, the men do at least. And that is, that although John "didn't" abuse their precocious sister, she should have never lived in that shit hole.

A/N- here's a short one for the time being! I was debating as to what I wanted to exactly happen and I think I would like to carry her secret out for a bit longer 😉😙

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT! I will update again soon!

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