Chapter 22

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Aria's POV:

It's 5:30am, I'm currently just getting out of the cold shower I run every morning. One I wrap myself in a fluffy towel I go to my closet and decide what I want to wear.

If I'm being honest, I woke up in a terrible mood, I feel suffocated by my pain that's coursing through my body at every movement and I don't know how must longer I am willing to last.

After 30 minutes of just standing and staring at my clothes I finally pick out a comfortable outfit.

After 30 minutes of just standing and staring at my clothes I finally pick out a comfortable outfit

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Once every inch of my body is fully covered, I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth and hair. Once I'm done is pull up the sleeve of my hoodie and bite down on bicep as hard as I can until the taste the metallic liquid. Once I've felt the euphoria wave over me I clean up the mess of blood I made and start attending to my wounds. I stare at myself in the mirror. I look ugly and fat, yet all bones at the same time. My eyes look dull and lifeless and although I don't want anyone to find out about my past life, I can't help but wonder, can no one see the signs? Or can they, and they just don't care?

I've gotten attached to this family, which will just make it harder for when I'm thrown out, but should I take the chance of getting help? Worst case scenario they abuse my like John did, but I'm already expecting the hits and blows soon enough. I let out a big and long sigh and shake my head in disbelief. I must be delusional with all these drugs I've been taking.

I eventually head downstairs with my backpack and phone on me. I decide to skip breakfast so instead I take a seat on the couch and play a game on my phone.

"You ready princess?" Axel asks coming out from the kitchen. I nod my head as I get up and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

We all get into Ace's car and he speeds down the road to school. Usually I would start to panic with how fast he's driving, but I could care less if I happen to die in an accident.

As we pull in to the schools parking lot, everyone's heads turn our way and it doesn't get any better as we step out of the car. If there's anything I've learned from the first day of school it's that my brothers are treated like gods around here.

My eyes seem to catch a familiar group of guys. In a huddle stands my brothers friends as well as a few guys I've never seen before. I get a familiar wave of panic and depression where my stomach drops and I feel as though I might barf.

I try to let go of Caleb's hand, but he just looks at me weirdly and tightens his grip. I really don't want to be touched today.

As Ace, Axel, Caleb, and I near the group of guys, all of their friends' heads turn to me.

"Hey sweet-cheeks how are you on this lovely day" Luke says smirking as he swings an arm around me. What is up with everyone being so touchy? I hate touchy.

I immediately yank my hand out of Caleb's grasp and shrug Luke's arm off my shoulder. "I'm fine" I mutter while walking towards the doors.

The last thing I hear before opening the school doors was "what's wrong with her?" A comment in which I'm pretty sure was made by Jackson.

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