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When will she arrive?? - I had thought to myself while I looked up at the steaming sky, wondering if it will rain in a bit "I'M HERE I'M HERE! " a voice appeared behind me after I dozed off but it snapped me out of it luckily, "oh hey nene, glad you made it, it's going to rain soon, don't you smell it? " "ah yes I can oh and that's why I hurried" she said with a smile and trailed off inside and it left me alone.

I didn't want to go inside for a bit cause I wanted to give her space obviously, what will happen to us, I've lost track of teru and.. Goodness I don't want to think about that at this time.
"Erm, kou? You coming inside? " I caught my words stumble in my mouth and stammered, " ah uhm, why uh yes, I don't wanna keep you waiting of course " I said as I scratched my neck in embarrassment as I always did before.
"Hey, do you think we're safe?"


"er what? Haha.. Of course we're safe, I hope" I said, I didn't want to sound doubtful but I had failed at that already, "well what if we find materials tomorrow, and we might find food for once! " kou said with a hopeful voice, making me feel hopeful too and we trailed off into a conversation and into sleep.
A bolt of thunder woken me up suddenly and I yelped from the sudden jolt, "are you okay? -" I slapped him, "OUCH- WHAT WAS THAT FOR-" "gasps I'M I'M SORRY! -" I went towards him and removed his hand off his cheek to see if I left a bad mark, jeez that scared me a lot, thank god he's perfectly fine..

"What time is it" I asked with a yawn and stretched, "it's 4 in the morning sadly" he said with a frown upon his face and it made me shatter into small pieces, "don't be so hopeless, we can start early, lets pack some gear and let's go! " I said with a grin and held out my hand to help him up



[[Author note btw, I am not done 2ith this yet until I find some time in my day and or night I will finish it, as in this page if anyone will read it ]]

[[Oct.15 2022 - oh yeah lol this was inspired by the zombie song]]


"so, what are we gonna do now. " we were standing on top of a weird shaped hill searching for something, I didn't know what though, "ah there he is! " I heard Nene say outloud but I was curious so I took a peak over her shoulder and almost froze in shock.

"WHAT IS THAT",  I yelped out of fear, " AND WHO'S THIS 'HE'?! " I had screamed so loud even birds flew away from the tree, "shh, we don't want our cover to be blown and, don't be terrified if you see him-" "I AM SO CONFUSED", " YES I KNOW KOU, THIS ISN'T THE FIRST TIME YOU WERE. "

she had pushed me over, shushing me for good and I had just blushed at that cause I like her and all but I feel like it's all just one sided, I'll make her like me no matter what, I stood up proudly ever so slightly, "ehm, what are you doing? -" Nene had saw me doing whatever I was doing and I became a flustered mess, stammer after stutter.

"Oh well that's a huge shame"
A giggle of a boy had wisped around Nene and my blood went cold.


"Oh well that's a huge shame"
It's still early, I didn't know he would come out at this time, I thought about it for a little bit but brushed it off, "oh well, kou this is who I was ta-", " STAY BACK, ZOMBIE! -" kou had pushed me behind him and grabbed the staff his brother left him with before his disappearance

"WAIT! -" I tried to scream but my voice had given up, I had no idea what happened but I blacked out, all I heard were faint sounds and yelling.

[[October 18 2022 - teehee 😋]]

mitsukou! [ZOMBIE AU]Where stories live. Discover now