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"Alright, Alfred Bonnefoy, it says you checked all the boxes on the sheet. It will take a little longer, but no worries! Once the results are in! They will be sent to your home!" The nurse smiled. There were a bunch of boxes at the beginning of the sheet that asked what I wanted to know. It contained stuff like DNA tests between my papa and Me, then ancestry tests for both of us, and even stuff that allowed me to see any living relatives! Which was exciting because that meant I could get the name of my possible cousin. The process was really easy! They took lots of different samples from me. Hair, saliva, and blood, and it were exciting.

So the wait began...

The long...

"Nothing again?"




"For fucks sake!"


"Any day now!"



"Alfred! It looks like you got mail!" Papa spoke. My eyes widened, and I immediately ran over to him. I snatched the mail out of his hands, and he looked at me concerned. "Wow, you must be excited about mail," he laughed. "Yea! Haha! I'll be in my room! Don't bother me!" I sputtered. I promptly ran up the stairs, shutting and locking my door behind me.

I threw myself on my bed, ripped open the letter, and began to read it out loud. "Dear Alfred Bonnefoy, below are the results of your DNA test...blah, blah, blah!"

I looked at the mother's side, but something was odd about it. It said that my mother was living in the States and still lives there. However, my papa said my mother was supposed to be a Canadian citizen. "That must be wrong?" I asked. I continued to read and looked over to my father's side, but... it was odd. "British? That can't be right. There isn't even a little French?" I asked, shocked. My papa had to have at least a little French; they grew up in France. My aunt and him.

There are even pictures of them here. How was that possible?

I turned to the next page that was supposed to show my relationship with my Papa and his information. It showed that he was one hundred percent, French. Wait...

"Didn't the other page say that he was British?" I spoke, confused. I continued to look down, and I nearly fainted. I continued to look back at the paper constantly, and I felt my soul leave my body. How was this possible?

"Wait...if I'm not related to papa, then who is my family? And who was he?!"

I stood up from the shock; it was like the world was crashing down around me. "Wait, this can't be!" I spoke. I continued to look at the pages and felt horrified. Wait! What if he kidnapped me? No! That's not possible! There are baby pictures of us at the hospital! Even videos of me growing up! How is this possible?

I flipped to the next page that was supposed to show relatives, and I nearly fainted again.

"Matthew and Arthur Kirkland...in London..." I read.

Matthew...he was my cousin...but Arthur...he was...

"My dad?"

I held my head terrified, and I did not know what to do. How is this possible? What does this mean? Does that mean I have no blood relationship with my papa?

I felt tears in my eyes, and I soon began to cry. My papa, he is still my papa! He has to be. I won't accept that he isn't my papa!

I looked at the names on the paper and quickly wiped my tears. "No! I'm going to get to the bottom of this!" I said to myself. I flipped to the next page, and it showed the addresses.

Well... today must be my lucky day.

I smirked, looking at the address. It was the same for both of them. Wait...the both of them? Here in London? I was having more and more questions. No one was here to answer them, and I wanted to ensure I knew all the information before I told my papa.

I looked at the time and saw that it was noon. It was the summer, I could stop by their place. Ugh! Or is that weird?

I began to get frustrated and mess my hair up. "Alfred? Are you okay? Do you want a snack, maybe?" My papa asked. He gently knocked on the door, and I quickly hid everything. "No! I was actually thinking of..." I started.

I opened the door, seeing him standing there. He had the sweetest smile on his face. His hair was perfectly placed in a ponytail, and he began to place his hand on my hand. "You were thinking?" He giggled.

"Yeah, maybe...I could go into town and get some bread from one of the nearby bakeries?" I suggested. He gave me the sweetest smile and began to pull me toward him. He began to hold me in his arms, and I grew sad.

I don't want another dad... I just want him to be my dad.

He was my papa, he loved me dearly, and I didn't want anyone else.

"Oh? Bread? That does sound good; I can make some coffee for us; I'll make yours sweet as you like it," he spoke. I felt my heart being ripped out as he began to kiss the top of my head. "Yeah, that sounds nice," I struggled to speak. My papa finally separated from me and looked at me, confused. "What is it, Alfred?" He asked.

I forced up a smile, trying not to cry.

"Nothing, Papa, I will be quick," I smiled. He nodded at me and began to rub my hair with his hand. "Alright then, be quick; if you need money, my wallet is downstairs," he nodded. I nodded at him and began to walk away from him.

Something about this made my heart ache with so much sadness. I wanted all of this information to be false, but I knew I would not be able to do this alone.

I need to talk to Matthew or Arthur; I don't know! Anyone!

Anyone at all...

First, Matthew...

Matthew, what an... interesting name.

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