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Third pov

"Hey! Arthur! Matthew! Funny seeing you here!" Francis spoke. He approached the two and smiled. "Well, it is a grocery store!" Arthur laughed. Francis began to mock his laugh, and Matthew laughed at their behavior. "Where is Alfred?" Matthew asked. "Ah! He is at home; he said he was a little tired," Francis explained. "Ah, hopefully, he is well," Arthur smiled. He felt that he had grown really fond of Alfred. The boy came over to their house a lot, so he thought he saw him as another son deep down.

Matthew looked at Francis with so much on his mind. He wanted to be closer to him but felt nervous. "Well, Arthur, you should go home to Alfred; I don't want you to kill the boys with whatever you pick!" Francis laughed. Arthur glared at him playfully, crossing his arms. "Ugh! I'm not that bad with cooking," he laughed. "Right?" Arthur asked, looking at Matthew.

However, Matthew looked away, avoiding the question.

"Well, it be your own son!" Arthur laughed. "I'll keep Alfred company; try not to scare Matthew, please; I need him to be sane! Not to go to therapy!" Arthur laughed. "Well, I might need therapy after this," Matthew thought.

"Yes, Yes! He and I will pick out the best of the best!" Francis smiled. He pulled Matthew in for a hug, and Matthew felt really sad about the situation. He wanted to connect with Francis but was too scared to make things obvious. "Alright, Matthew, be safe; I'll meet you later," Arthur said.

Once they waved goodbye, Francis and Matthew looked at each other with a smile. "My dad likes you a lot," Matthew laughed. "I hope so! I've been trying really hard," Francis laughed. They continued to walk down the aisle, and Matthew followed quietly. "What should I say to him?" Matthew thought. "I really like your hair..." Matthew started.

~Matthew pov~

Francis looked at me curiously, with a smile plastered across his face. I am so stupid! that was all I could come up with. "I like your hair too; it looks sort of like mine. Are you just complimenting yourself?" He chuckled. "What? Oh no! No, I just like how long it is!" I spoke nervously. Francis laughed at my reaction and shook his head. "Do not worry; I was only joking," He smiled.

I put my hands in my pockets and began to pinch the tips of my fingers nervously. "You know, I was telling Alfred awhile back how you look a lot like my sister; here, I will show you a picture," he spoke. Francis quickly pulled out his phone and showed me a family photo of the three of them.

The woman...

She was so beautiful...

I did have some characteristics like her. My eyebrows, eye color, shape, hair...it was odd. I looked at Francis, who smiled at me, and I smiled back. "Francis...?" I started. I wondered something...I was not an idiot like Alfred. I could tell when two people loved each other. I knew that our dads either had feelings for each other or had not realized it yet. "Yes?" He asked.

I wondered if our problems would disappear if they were to be together. Alfred and I already told people we were brothers, and our parents were both our dads at this point. However, I was unsure how they would react to the news about us. Maybe their world could come crashing down. "Do you have feelings for my dad? romantic feelings?" I asked. His eyes widened, and he grew flustered. "It is okay if you do! I won't be uncomfortable or anything; I just feel that the two of you have feelings for each other..."

His face softened, and he breathed out, defeated.

"I may have a little crush on your dad, but I know he does not see me that way. We have only known each other for a month; it is too soon to decide how I feel or assume how he might," He smiled. I nodded at what he said and laughed. "Well, maybe you should try to get his attention. He really loves to do needlepoint; maybe get him some supplies or something. Or, if you make him tea, he loves three spoons of sugar; he can tell if you put more," I laughed.

"Really? Alfred is like that too," He laughed. My eyes widened, and I felt shocked. They had something in common. It made me wonder if Francis and I also had something in common. "You seem so nice," I laughed. I still could not figure out what to do or say. Francis smiled at me and suddenly placed his hand on my head. "I am not sure whether or not it is because you remind me of my sister, but I feel this connection between us. I like your dad a lot, but your relationship with Alfred is sweet. It makes me happy that the two of you are close. I can tell you are a shy kid, I was like you growing up, so I see a lot of myself in you, in a way."

He laughed a little and began to mess up my hair. He did not know what his words did to me. They made me feel happy and warm inside. I loved my dad and always will, yet I felt selfish for wanting more for wanting Alfred's dad. I wanted to be close to him and tell him. Alfred and I continuously avoided the topic, but things were beginning to get shaky for us as we sat restlessly.

Once we arrived home, Francis called out that we were there. "Do you think they killed each other?" He whispered. I began to laugh at what he said and shook my head. "It would be very much like them," I laughed. Francis and I continued to smile at each other. "Ah, you are back!" Alfred spoke. I finally looked at him, and he looked sweaty.

That idiot! What did he do?

I looked over to my dad, and he observed Alfred...

What...did he do?

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