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Things did change drastically, we all grew closer, and if we did not live separately, we would have seemed like an actual family. We did everything together. We went out to eat...


"Ehhh, that is gross! Eat actual food, Alfred!"

"What? Matthew, tell your dad that this is British food!"

"Francis, they are fighting again!"

"Alfred, Arthur is fragile! go easy!"



We had movie nights together...


"Stop hogging the popcorn!"

Matthew began pulling the popcorn away from me, and Papa separated us by sitting between us. "Hey, I want to join!" Arthur laughed. He then sat between Papa and me and held me close. "Francis! your big head is in the way!" Matthew laughed. "Matthew, be nice; at least say frog in the sentence!" Arthur laughed. He handed me some snacks, and I began to play the movie.

"Alfred? You won't even defend me?" Papa pretended to cry.


"HAHAHAHA" we all began to laugh.


We would go shopping together.


"Does this make me look fat?"

"Anything you wear makes you look fat!"

"Eh? some cousin you are!"

I shoved Matthew into a clothes rack, and he immediately knocked over everything. "Ahh, Matthew, you fell!" Papa laughed. "I see that..." Matthew rolled his eyes. My papa helped him up, and Arthur looked at all of us, shaking his head. "Really, Francis? It is like I have to watch three children now!" Arthur laughed. My papa smirked at him and went to hug him. "Oh, but you love me!"

"YUCK! NO PDA, PLEASE!" I laughed as Matthew pretended to gag.


We had meals together, of course.


"Stop kicking me!"

"You kicked me first!"

"I should sell you!"

"Jokes on you! I would not be worth much!"

Matthew and I began to mock each other and throw our tongues out. Arthur pulled my face away and pointed to the food in front of me. I nodded at him and began to eat my food. "Do any of you want jam?" Arthur asked. "Oh, yes, please!" I spoke. He grabbed the jar and began to twist the lid but struggled with it. I began to sip my tea as I looked at him, concerned.

His hands turned red, trying to open it, and everyone looked at it worried. "Do you want me to get it?" Papa asked. "NO! I GOT IT!" Arthur shouted. My eyes widened as I began to sip my tea again. He was struggling with it.

"This blasted jar!" He spoke. Arthur began to hit the jar against the table, and my Papa looked at him, concerned. "I can help Arthur-"

"The next time you offer help, I will do to you what I am doing this jar!" He threatened as he continued to slam the top of the jar on the table. Papa looked at the jar, horrified, as he sunk back in his seat. "Okay, Dear..."

"Do I have antlers?"


"Then I am no deeeeer!"

Arthur slammed the jar one more time and the lid popped off. "Okay..." Papa laughed nervously.


There were points where Matthew and I knew it was only a matter of time before our Dads decided to go out. Although another month had passed, We both knew they had fallen in love, even without saying it outwardly.


"PHEW! all done! Does anything else need fixing?" Papa asked. Matthew and I were leaning against the wall, watching them. Arthur was drinking his tea as he watched Papa fix things that needed to be fixed. My Papa wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Arthur, smiling.

"Oh? well... there is another thing!" Arthur laughed. My Papa was wearing a tank top and shorts, and I could tell that Arthur was checking him out. "Ugh, they have no shame," Matthew laughed. "In front of us too?" I laughed.

"Hey, this is the one time you can claim him as your dad. This is your dad!" Matthew laughed. "Damn it, you are right!" I laughed. We continued to watch them flirt with each other, and I began to laugh again. "JUST KISS EACH OTHER!" I yelled.

Matthew smacked me laughing, and our Parents grew flustered and embarrassed. "Oh, I broke them," I laughed. Matthew shook my head and nudged me.


We were happy with this strange family we had created. We were happier knowing that our parents were happy too.


"Alright! I am off for our date! You boys try not to have too much fun!" My papa spoke. They were finally going on a date, so I asked if Matthew could spend the night, which my Papa was okay with. "Hey, that is my dad, so no funny moves," Matthew teased. We both began to laugh at Papa, and he looked at us, annoyed. "I won't," He laughed.

Once he left, Matthew and I continued our movie. "I hope they don't do IT!"

"Gross! don't think about that!"

"Well, how much you wanna bet they will get married?" Matthew asked. I began to smirk and nudge him. "I will bet you that within a year, they will!"

"What? that is too soon! I say at least two!" Matthew laughed.

"You are on!" I laughed.


Matthew and I did not make any plans to tell them, and I wondered if we might forget about everything. If our dads got together, they would both be our dads, and there was no use in telling them. I kept thinking this way, but I wondered if there was a flaw in that thinking.

"Hey, want to hang out today, or have you not finished the essay?" Matthew asked. He was sitting in front of me, reading his book. "Ahh, yeah, I have not started it; I should start it today. For sure, this weekend, we can go out and do something, " I explained. He tilted his head, looking at me, and nodded.

The bell rang, and we both stood up, ready to leave. "Ah, that reminds me, my dad is taking me on one of his business trips in the winter. We are going to Greece, but he wanted to see if you and your dad would want to come. Although, I am not sure if your dad can take off," He spoke.

"Ah, I would have to ask; I can keep you updated," I smiled. We walked beside each other to the exit. We stopped for a second, and I adjusted my bag. "I will text you later! Bye!" He smiled. I nodded at him and noticed how it started to get cloudy. I should hurry home.

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