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~Third pov~

"We are going to be upstairs in my room!" Alfred spoke. Francis nodded at him as they both began to run up the stairs quickly. "They are inseparable," Arthur laughed. The two dads sat on the sofa beside each other, drinking some wine that Francis had brought out. "That is a good thing, though, right?" Francis asked. He began to lean against Arthur, and the two grew silent. "I think they may have gotten the idea that we like each other...romantically..."

"I think so too; Matthew thinks that we should. I think he gave me his blessing earlier," Francis laughed. Arthur looked at him, confused, and Francis began to put an arm around him. "I think I know what you mean," Arthur laughed. The two began to stare at each other, getting closer. "I know we have only known each other for a month; I feel as though we were never strangers. That there is this connection between us, I had never felt this way before," Francis whispered.

"We text each other constantly; I would hope we did not feel like strangers anymore."

"I want to feel more," Francis whispered. He placed his wine glass on the table beside them and put his right hand on Arthurs. Arthur held his glass with his left hand close to his chest, feeling the space between them begin to disappear. Francis began to play with his hair, bringing his head closer. "Is talking and texting not enough?" Arthur asked. He felt as if his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Call me selfish, but it isn't. I want all of you and more...I want your attention forever. I know it might be too soon for you to understand how you feel, but I will wait forever if it means there is a chance I could make you happy on a different level. I understand if you are not ready to talk about what to do. I will always be here, no matter what. Our kids like each other, and I feel we are all connected weirdly."

Francis grabbed his glass and placed it on the table beside him. "I agree; there is something odd about all of us that I can not put my finger on," Arthur explained. Francis finally placed his forehead against Arthur's, and they began to stare at each other. "I am too old to feel this way, yet you somehow managed that," Francis laughed.

The two began to get closer and closer until they nearly kissed. "Maybe it won't be so bad," Arthur whispered.

"I can not believe I am about to kiss Alfred's dad! I am an idiot!" Arthur yelled to himself in his head.

Francis gently grabbed his cheeks and brought him in for a kiss. At first, the feeling felt like an itch had finally been scratched. They were not open to their sons at how close they really were. Francis and Arthur constantly texted and sometimes saw each other late at night. Finally kissing made them sure of how they felt. They wanted to be together but were equally worried about what would happen if they gave in.

"Arthur, let me love you," Francis whispered against his lips. They continued to kiss more and more. Arthur placed his hands into Francis' hair and held onto him as if it were illegal to let go. "Wait! We shouldn't" Arthur pulled away, shaking his head. The two of them had red faces and looked at each other nervously. "Yeah, what would they think of us?" Francis laughed. However, the two continued to stare at each other.

"How about one more, for old-time sake," Arthur laughed. Francis grew flustered but felt that it was enough for him to go in for another. Arthur leaned into Francis one more, and they slowly kissed each other. Francis slowly pulled away from Arthur and smiled at the dumb expression on his face. Arthur was smiling with his eyes closed as they both pulled away. He slowly opened his eyes with the same silly smile, and it caused Francis to laugh.

"Wow..." Arthur whispered.

"Arthur, you are charming. Tell me if you decide you want to try and work things out with me; I am willing to give you a chance," Francis laughed, winking. Arthur rolled his eyes and pulled away. "Ugh, what an attention whore," he laughed.

There was something else on Francis's mind besides Arthur, which was about the earlier surrogacy Matthew mentioned. "I do not mean to change the subject, but Matthew said you had a surrogacy. I thought it was funny what a weird coincidence they had met since I always had Alfred with a surrogate," Francis started.

"Ah... I agree...Alfred told me too...He did not tell much of his mother; I assume he did not meet her. Do you remember her?" Arthur asked. "Ah! Yes! she was from Canada, and she had a twin sister..." Francis recalled. Arthur had been reaching for his glass when he stopped suddenly. "What?" He asked.

"Yeah! she had a sister...who was pregnant at the time, too," Francis explained. Arthur realized that all of this was not some huge coincidence. "What is it?" Francis asked. He looked at Arthur as if he had seen a ghost.

"My surrogate...she had a twin sister...living in Canada..."

Francis grew shocked and confused and worried all at once. "What?"

Arthur nodded, and they both began to look up the stairs. "No, that has to be a huge coincidence...what was her name?" Francis asked. "Amelia...her sister was..."


The two men looked at each other, horrified, as they realized their sons were biologically related. "Wait, are we sure? Should we get a DNA test... but how did they..." Francis paused and looked horrified.



"About a month ago...he asked about his mother...then a few weeks later...we all met..."

"Oh my god! Alfred told me he had a secret and thought you would be mad! This has to be it!"

The two took time to process this vast realization but soon agreed they needed to talk to them ASAP. They knew that the boys must have known this whole time, which explained why they constantly wanted to be around each other. It was the only explanation.

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