16 (extra)

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Two years later

"Alfred! pull yourself together!" Matthew came in, shaking me, but I couldn't help but continue to cry. "I can't believe I lost one hundred pounds to you," I cried. He began to fix my suit and slapped my face jokingly. We were playing a huge role today. Matthew handed me the basket of petals, and he held a pillow with places for rings.

"When I said I would do this, I was joking. I can already imagine those idiots' faces!" I spoke. I was thinking about my Papa's friends, Antonio and Gilbert, who always found a chance to mess with me. Matthew and I pretty much looked the same today. Our hair was styled the same, we wore the same colors, and of course, our glasses. We really looked like twins, despite some features.

We stood at the edge of the doors, waiting for the cue to start going. "Do us a favor and try not to be useless today," I laughed. Matthew rolled his eyes and threw THE finger at me. "That is your job!" He shot back.

Music began to play, and the main doors opened. I could see Arthur standing at the end of the aisle with a red and nervous expression. Matthew nudged me to go first, and I began to throw petals on the floor. "What a lovely day," I whispered.

Both of our families were here, including friends and distant relatives. Matthew walked behind me, and I began throwing petals into the air. I could see Arthur shaking his head with an annoyed smile. "Awww, the little boy has a job," I heard a familiar voice speak. My head shot toward them, and I saw Antonio and Gilbert trying not to laugh at me. I stopped in my place and glared at them. Matthew stopped beside me, trying to get me to go, but instead, I grabbed a fist full of petals and aggressively threw them at Antonio and Gilbert.

Some people began to laugh as they saw Antonio spit some out of his mouth. "Okay, that's enough," Matthew spoke. He then began pulling me to the end of the aisle, where we started to wait for Papa.

Matthew and I gave Arthur thumbs-up, and the music began to play. The big doors at the end of the aisle exposed my papa. He was wearing a white suit that matched Arthur's. They worried about the colors, so they both decided to wear white. Beside him was my aunt Lucile, who was excited to walk him down the aisle.

I smiled at him, and he looked at me, nodding. Matthew and I stood to the side, waiting. Matthew was supposed to give them the rings when they were ready. We would get petals and throw them in the air when that happened.

When Papa finally stood before Arthur, they held each other's hands nervously. Their faces looked so red that I wanted to laugh at them. They looked at each other and nodded in reassurance.

"So, which one of you would like to go first?" The priest person spoke. "I can," Arthur smiled. Arthur, shakingly pulled out a piece of paper from his coat and looked at it nervously. "Sorry, I just don't want to mess up," he laughed.

Arthur pulled at his collar nervously and looked at my papa with an awkward smile. "Well, without warning, I came home one day, seeing your son and my son talking in the kitchen. It was an odd sight, and I tried not to think much of it, but deep down...I had this strange feeling. I pushed it aside again, and within a few minutes, I opened the door to my house, revealing you outside."

"You were upset with Alfred, and I could not care to wonder why because your gaze had attacked me. We stared at each other for quite some time, and it was like everything I had done in my life led me to that moment."

"I did not just gain another son while being with you; I think I may have gained something much more—a family. Everything in the world is right as long as you are beside me. At its fundamental nature, a final judgment that leads a person into marriage is not merely love but a commitment to love a person forevermore, even when extenuating circumstances make it virtually impossible to continue extending untarnished and undiminished love. Marriage is a fundamental decision, a vow never to stop loving another person, never to leave a relationship irrespective of what life entails."

"Francis...My Darling, I promise to love you always, to cherish you, and I know that the only thing in the world that will keep me away from you...is death."

I smiled at Papa as he continued to squeeze Arthur's hand. He looked like he was trying not to cry, and I wanted to laugh. However, the joy of watching them was overwhelming.

"I speak words of both love and duty. It is not a chore but an honor to swear faith to you, promise love to you, and offer my hand and heart to you in this life and the next." My Papa started.

"I would do anything for you. For a long time, I never thought I would ever marry, yet here we are. There has been no greater love than the love I feel for you. Than the feelings I yearn to give you every day."

"The thing is, you can't rely on love, which is why I intend to offer you something far more consistent: commitment, friendship, and loyalty. I promise to give you my protection, no matter the price. I will never turn our back on us. I will love you...till death do us part..."

I could see Matthew wiping his tears, and I nudged him with a smirk. I was trying not to cry, either.

"Do you, Francis Bonnefoy, take Arthur Kirkland to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do!"

"And do you-"

"I do!"

"You may kiss!"

Cheers erupted in the church as our parents began to kiss each other. Matthew and I started throwing petals around, and I laughed at how silly we looked. Everyone began to stand up and follow our parents outside the chapel, and I stood still for a moment. I had felt so much happiness that all I could do was stand there with a smile on my face, crying.

"Alfred? Come on!" Matthew spoke. He turned to look at me and reached his hand out. I gently placed my hand in his, smiling, and nodded. I could not believe that my tiny decision led to this enormous event. It was shocking.


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