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He was pacing around nervously, and I had no idea what to do. He was still holding onto the papers. "We should tell someone, right?" He asked. "What would our parents do? I mean, what is there to do?" I spoke. I felt myself get sad again. I was afraid that my Papa would want to get to know Matthew and end up loving him more. Matthew looked as if he had the same thought. That is...well..my? That Arthur would like me more.

"I think we should still tell them," he spoke. "Could we wait for a little? Maybe we could ease into it a little?" I suggested. He nodded at me, agreeing, handing me the papers back. "Well, we are cousins..." he laughed. I breathed out with widened eyes and nodded. "Yeah!" I laughed, a little excited.

Our moms were sisters...

We were biologically family!

"MATTHEW?! I AM HOME EARLY! You left the door unlocked—"

Matthew and I looked at each other horrified, and at the person who had stopped talking.

He stood at the threshold and had a long brown coat on. He looked around my Papa's age. His hair color...looked just like mine. He had green eyes that looked like the green hidden within the blue of mine. He stopped in his tracks as he saw me.

My heart began to beat out of my chest, and I did not know what to do. "Who is your friend, Mattie?" He asked. "Ah! Dad! I didn't realize you would be home soon! I thought you said Friday?"

"Ah, well...I wanted to surprise you—I'm sorry, but you look so familiar. Do I know you?" He asked me. I shook my head nervously, and he began to look at me curiously. He began to come closer, and I turned to Matthew nervously.

"This is Alfred; he is a friend from school," Matthew spoke. I nodded in agreement, and he smiled at me. "That's good, Matthew needs more friends, and you seem good. What is your name?" He asked.


"Nice to meet you, my name is Arthur!" He smiled. However, hearing him say the name out loud made me want to cry. He was..my real dad.

I didn't know him, and I always knew of my papa, but this made me sad for some reason. "Will you stay for dinner?" He asked. He began to walk toward Matthew, patting his head, and set his things down.

Who was I to prevent Matthew from feeling what I was feeling? He had every right to know his real dad, and I did too. Why not tell them right away, couldn't we try and get to know them?

"No! I have to get home!" I laughed. Matthew nodded, and I looked at him as if saying "let's go," to which he nodded. "I will walk him out," he spoke.

Arthur smiled at me, waving a friendly goodbye; however, I couldn't stop staring at him. My heart was aching, and I wanted to cry. I wanted to stay and talk to him; I wanted to know everything about him. I smiled back at him and followed Matthew toward the door.

We stood by the door, and I began to put my shoes on. "What are we going to do?" I asked. "I'm not sure; I'm starting to freak out," he whispered. Maybe we should tell them? But I was nervous. "We have to do something," I whispered. He nodded at me in agreement, and I quickly checked my phone.

I had thirty missed calls and multiple missed text messages, and I felt horrified as I realized the time. "This is not good," I spoke, looking at my phone. He looked at me, confused, and I quickly looked to see when the last message or call was. It was thirty minutes ago.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I shook my head at him, and there was a sudden knock on the door. Matthew looked at me concerned, but I immediately stopped him from answering it. "He is here!" I spoke. "Who is?" He asked.

"HE is!" I clarified.

Suddenly it clicked, and he grew nervous.

The knocking continued, and I didn't know what to do. "MATTHEW?" Arthur called. "How did he find you?" He asked. "My location! I keep it on for him!" I cried. Matthew looked horrified, and suddenly his dad came around the corner. "What's going on? Aren't you going to answer it?" he asked.

Matthew and I looked at each other horrified, and I didn't know what to do. "I'll answer it!" I spoke. Arthur looked at me, confused, and I slowly began to unlock the door. Here we go...

"Hey..." I laughed nervously.

"ALFRED! I thought you were kidnapped!" Papa spoke. He looked at me, confused as to why I was standing in someone else's house. "What's going on? Whose place is this?" He asked. "Is everything okay?" Arthur spoke. He suddenly pulled the door wide open, and they both finally looked at each other.

I stepped away from them, near Matthew, and they didn't say anything. I looked at Arthur, confused, and at my Papa, who continued to stare at him.

What the fuck?

"Uh... my son...he..." My Papa tried to say. My eyes looked at him, horrified as he began stuttering his words. What was going on?

"Oh? I think our kids are friends," Arthur spoke. Arthur stepped aside to point to Matthew, and he and my Papa finally looked at each other. "Friend?" My papa asked. I looked over to Matthew, who stared at my Papa with wonder. I looked at both of them and could see Matthew's look.

I'm sure it was the same look I had on my face earlier. It was apparent they were related, and it was obvious that Arthur and I were related too. "How did you make a friend? We've only lived here for a few months," my papa spoke. My eyes widened, and I immediately nudged him to shut up.

"Hmm? I thought you met each other at school?" Arthur asked. They both looked at us, confused, and I grew nervous. "Ah! Did I say school? Ah! Well, we only met recently! We are great friends!" Matthew tried to play off. "Oh, well, how about you both stay for dinner?" Arthur spoke.

"Ah, we really shouldn't, right? Papa?" I spoke. "What?! Of course, we can stay! It will be such an honor to get to know the father of my son's dearest friend!" My papa ignored me. I glared at him, and he began to pull me into a headlock. "Right, we'd love to stay. It's only courtesy," he laughed. I rolled my eyes at him and saw how Matthew began to laugh at his behavior. "Great! Well, come in!" Arthur cheered.

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