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I walked over to my Papa to help with the groceries and helped place them on the table. "What have the two of you been up to?" Papa asked. I looked at Arthur with a smile, but something might have bothered him. "We were just talking," I smiled. I placed the food down and began to help put things away. I watched how Matthew and my Papa seemed to be a little closer. They were chatting and smiling with each other. I could not help but smile looking at them. I was not jealous at all or felt sad about the attention Papa was giving him.

"Alfred, do you mind showing me to the restroom," Arthur suddenly spoke. I looked at him, and he finally turned to look at me. "Yeah! follow me!" I smiled. I gestured for him to follow, and I watched how Papa and Matthew continued to talk in happiness. We began to walk up the steps, and I walked him down the hall toward the restroom. "Something has been on your mind; what is wrong?" he asked. I looked at him, shocked, stopping in my tracks. "What?" I whispered. "Oh, come on, what is it? everything alright?" He asked. He was so nice to me.

I felt tears begin to cloud my vision, and he gasped. "What's wrong?" he asked. I jumped into his arms, and he tensed up. "Alfred? what is it?" he asked. I continued to sob...

"I can't...tell you..." I cried.

He took a deep breath out and wrapped his arms around me. His warm embrace made me feel safe, just as Papa felt. Why did it feel so wrong to want a relationship with him? Yet, I wanted it badly. "are you safe? at least?" He asked. I quickly wiped my face and nodded at him. "Of course! It is just...well, I have this secret, and I can not tell Papa about it because I am afraid it might break his heart...but it is one of those things that he needs to know; well, I am afraid of what the outcome will be. I am afraid he will not love me anymore."

"Oh, Alfred...your dad will never stop loving you, no matter what. No matter how bad a secret is, he will never do that. I would kill him!" He smiled. I laughed at what he said, and he began to caress my cheek. "How should I tell him?" I asked. He began to think about it and smiled once he thought of something. "There are a few things you can try. One way is to write a letter; it is best if you can not speak. Another way is to make a list of points you want to say in case to not get off topic. Another trick is to rip off the bandaid...so...to tell him quickly, but I can see how that might not be much help."

"When I tell him...can you and Matthew be there for...me?" I figured we would tell them together, but just in case. "Of course...I will be right beside you to make sure you feel safe...I promise..." he smiled. Arthur pinched my cheek with a smile.

~ Matthew pov~

"How does this look?" I asked. Francis looked over my shoulder with a smile. "It looks great; who taught you to cook? It couldn't have been your father, your mother perhaps?" He asked. I flinched at what he said and laughed. "Well, I was born out of surrogacy; I never met my mother," I explained. His eyes widened, and he tilted his head."Funny, so was Alfred, but I am sure he must have mentioned that by now," He spoke. I nodded at him and continued to cut the vegetables.

He came closer to me and placed a hand on my head. "Yeah, Alfred and I have a lot of things in common. I mean, wouldn't you say we kind of looked similar?" I asked. I felt nervous asking the question, but I had no idea where else to start. "Ah, now that you mention it, I suppose you both do a little," he spoke. I nodded my head, and he began to mess my hair up. It made me feel calm, and I could not help but start to lean my head against him.

I felt him tense under me, and he stroked my hair slowly. I wanted to know everything about him and Alfred. I wanted to know their life story and listen to their life stories for hours. I wanted to love them as family and call them father and brother. "You and my dad should get together; it could be like we are a big family," I whispered. I heard him lightly chuckle, and he moved to look me in the eye. "Well, maybe if your dad wants to one day, baby steps," he laughed. I smiled, hearing his laugh, and I began to feel tears in my eyes.

"Matthew? What is wrong?" He asked.

I began to cover my eyes with my hands, trying to hide the tears. However, once he asked about it, they started to come out. "Do you want us to be together that bad? I will ask him! for you! I will do it right now if I have to!" He spoke nervously.

He began to place a hand on my shoulder, but I continued to cry. "No, it is not that..." I whispered. He began to wrap his arms around me, and I did so too. I shoved my face into his shirt, crying, as I clenched onto his shirt. "It is okay...I get very emotional, too, all the time. If you want to talk about what's bothering you, we can," He whispered. "It is not fair..."

"What isn't?"

"How I can't put my thoughts into words. It is frustrating. I wish I were like Alfred," I spoke. He breathed out and began to pat my back. Francis forced me to look at him, and I continued to frown. "Don't worry about that...sometimes, things are better left unsaid. I understand how you feel, and I am here for you."

I wanted to believe that...but it was difficult.

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