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I continued to look at myself in the mirror. I would touch my face gently as I tried to figure out why! Why did I look so different from my Papa and my Aunt? They had wavy hair, different colors too! My hair was darker than theirs—Blonde, but still darker, as well as our eyes. My eyes were a darker blue with light green inside, mostly blue, but still different from my papa and aunt, who had nearly violet-colored eyes. Maybe I got unlucky and looked more like my surrogate mother.

"ALFRED! COME EAT BREAKFAST!" I heard my papa call. My eyes widened, and I immediately stopped looking at myself in the mirror. I put my glasses on quickly and began to go downstairs. "I'm coming!" I called back. I began to run down the stairs and slid into the kitchen. "Whoa! Careful!" Papa laughed.

I sat at the table, and he began to place food in front of me. I wanted badly to ask about my surrogate mother. I'm sure it would not be so bad to get a little information from him. My papa began to prepare himself a plate and sit down across from me.

He told me that he decided to have me because he had turned twenty-eight when he realized that he didn't want to be in a relationship to have children. He chose to have one by himself and stay single. He explained to me long ago that he could never be in many relationships since they never worked out.

"So, what do you want to do today? It is summer, and I do not work today; we can do something you like?" He asked. I began to play with my food a little and shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I wanted to ask you something," I spoke, getting right to the point. "What is it?" He asked. I continued looking down at my food and playing with it.

Before moving to England, we lived in the states for most of my life. My papa was from France and even taught me to speak the language. While I was in the states, I was forced to learn Spanish at my school, so I am fluent in three languages.

This summer was the first in England.

"Ah, well, I wanted to ask about my Surrogacy mother," I started. I heard his utensil stop moving and looked up at him nervously. "What? But why?" He asked. I tried to avoid his eyes, but it only made me nervous. "Well, I guess I'm curious about where she was from," I tried to explain.

"Hmmm? Oh, she was Canadian," he spoke. My eyes widened, and I felt excited. Does this mean I am part Canadian? "Really?" I asked. I smiled at the new piece of information. He nodded at me with a smile, and I smiled back. "Wow!" I smiled. "Yeah! It is really interesting, she had a sister who lived in the States at the time, and they were twins, and they thought that you would be a twin too because of it, but you weren't. However, that would have been interesting," he laughed.

"Wow! Does that mean if I have kids, I could have twins?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders, smiling, "I'm not sure, maybe! That would be interesting," he laughed. I smiled at the thought, and this sudden interest had grown inside me. "I did not know your surrogacy mother too much or her sister, but I remember her telling me that her sister was also pregnant at the time that she was, which is really interesting," he giggled.

That was the spark inside me.

That meant I had a cousin or something out there somewhere, the same age as me. I wondered what they looked like if we looked similar. I wanted to know more!

"Wow, that is interesting," I spoke.

Once we finished breakfast, I was excused and immediately ran to my room to pull up my laptop. I wanted to know more about my DNA! I want to take a test to get more information about it. If I'm lucky, I could find out where my cousin is...maybe secretly talk to them.

That's when I saw something interesting.

"Oh? A DNA clinic in downtown London, offering feedback within four weeks for convenience," I read allowed. I quickly wrote down the address, shoving it into my pocket.

I'm sure papa won't mind me going out for a bit.

I quickly got dressed and looked for my money stash. The website said that it would cost quite some money—one hundred pounds to be exact.

I wonder if Papa is entirely French, it would be funny to see the horror on his face to realize that he wasn't. "Oh my god! I have to get some of his hair now," I giggled to myself.

Once I finished getting dressed, I rushed to the bathroom, grabbing one of his hair brushes. This was going to be so funny if he wasn't entirely French. "DAD, I AM GOING TO EXPLORE! I WILL BE BACK!" I called.

I quickly rushed out the door before he could ask questions.

Okay... I didn't necessarily ask him, but he trusts me! I am sure everything will be fine!

I was going to walk into town; luckily, the GPS says the clinic is not too far. Maybe a good thirty minutes... but I will catch a cab if I get tired. My phone began to buzz, and I looked at it quickly. "Where did you go?" It read. My papa sent it, along with a sad face. "I am just going into town to explore; I will be safe!" I sent it back with a smiley face.

My papa began to send tons of hearts, and I began to laugh at how silly he was. I proceeded to send hearts back so as not to make him sad. My papa could be sensitive sometimes.

This is my new story and I will do slower updates on it. I have like three other books with about 15 chapters to them, but they aren't finished and I'm afraid to post them because I kind of stopped writing them to do this one, and then to finish my other book "leather jacket."

Also, I am making a sequel to "can you keep a secret" which has one chapter already, but I got the idea for this story last night and immediately started to write it!

Hopefully you like it so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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