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Dinner was silent once we went back down. I tried not to stare at Arthur, but I could not help it. I think he was starting to notice that I stared at him. "Is there something on my face?" Arthur laughed. I jumped at what he said and began to look away. I looked over to Papa, who looked at me concerned. "Well, we should probably get going. Are you ready, Alfred?" My Papa asked. I nodded at what he said and stood up quickly. "Yes! I can help clean up," I smiled. I began to gather everyone's plates, and I felt so stupid. "Alfred, you are sweating so much. Are you okay?" Papa asked. I looked at him, horrified, and he began to study me.

"Peachy!" I laughed.

"Here, let me help," Arthur spoke. I smiled at him nervously as he began to walk toward me. "I am sorry to ask this, but may I use the restroom?" Papa asked. "Of course! I can show you!" Matthew stood quickly. Arthur nodded at him, and they both began to leave the room.

I was now alone with Arthur, helping him clean up.

"How are you? I hope I did not come off strong," He laughed. I felt my heart break, and I shook my head. "No! it is not that at all!" I tried to clarify. I held my hands up and shook my head. Arthur laughed at my reaction and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You seem like a good kid; I am glad Matthew found you. Sometimes he has a hard time connecting with people. It is odd to think about, but he means well," Arthur spoke.

I stopped smiling and felt sad. This man was my real dad, and I wanted to tell him. However, that would look bad. Would it break Papa's heart? I was sure it would; the whole situation could look like I purposely went to find my real one.

Which is not what happened, not at first.

I just wanted to see where I came from...now one thing led to another, and I'm not sure what to do. Matthew and I don't have a plan on how to tell them. "What's wrong? You seem like something has been bothering you. I know you don't know me well, but I'm trustworthy if you want to open up," he spoke. I gave him a small smile and shook my head. "Well, do you like my dad?" I asked.

He froze at what I said, and he became flustered. "Ah! Yes, he is very nice," he laughed nervously. "Well, he needs more friends, too, he can seem odd at times, but something tells me you might be okay with it," I spoke. "Ah, you want us to be friends?" He chuckled. I smiled and nodded. "Yes! It would make me very happy! In fact! It would make me happier if we all could be friends and hang around each other all the time," I admit.

He tilted his head at me and slowly placed a hand on my head. "Of course! I think fate has brought all of us together, and I believe we will all be closer somehow; I am glad to know that Matthew and I have met people who have already brought us happiness. However, don't be so nervous around me; I want to make you feel welcome," he spoke.

I felt myself choke up, and I wanted to cry. "Thank you, I really appreciate it," I spoke. He separated from me and nodded. "Think of me as a second dad if you need to," he chuckled. However, that was the point of no return. I wanted to sob!

I wanted to fall to my knees and cry. I wanted to tell him the truth! To tell papa the truth. I wanted them to know, so they could help us figure out what to do. I wanted to scream and shout for help, but I couldn't. "Thank you," I spoke, shakingly.

"Here is my number; let's text tonight," Matthew spoke. He handed me his number, and we both looked at our parents, who were talking. "Of course," I smiled.

"Ready to go?" Papa asked. I nodded at him and walked toward the door. "See you soon, Alfred," Arthur spoke. I nodded at him as he smiled at me. "You too," I smiled. "See you around, Matthew! Arthur, have a good day," papa smiled. Matthew grew flustered and nodded in happiness.

Once we left, papa and I walked home. "Am I in trouble?" I asked. He began to chuckle and shake his head. "I was worried at first, but I think I will let it slide this time. Try not to worry me so much," he spoke. "Yes! I promise I won't! I'm so sorry."

"Haha, I know; however, it was nice meeting them. Matthew reminds me a lot of your aunt when she was younger. They even look a little similar, as weird as that may sound," he spoke. My smile dropped, and I felt my heart crush again. Papa had a right to know. Arthur too. Tonight, I was going to tell Matthew that we must tell them. There was no other way around it.

We had to devise a way to explain everything, even if it meant I might get in trouble for going behind my dad's back. "That is odd," I laughed. I looked at him, and he smiled. "Do you like Arthur?" I asked. His eyes widened, and he grew flustered. "Ah! What brought that on? I swear! You always keep me on my toes, Alfred," he laughed. He pulled me in for a side hug, and I smiled.

How would I feel if they liked each other romantically? I guess it wasn't peculiar, just odd. My papa never mentioned to me that he liked men. However, if he likes Arthur that way, it would be more confusing how to handle the situation.

What if they begin to hate each other? I would not be able to live with myself for causing a dispute.

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