Chapter 9: The final 48 Hours

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Jolting myself awake I gasped sitting up running my hands through my hair then looked over at the dreaded bookshelf I flipped it off then got out of bed quickly getting dressed I stumbled out of my door looking like shit. Making my way to the bar I plopped down looking at Kurogiri with dead eyes.

" Kuro! Coffee, extra sugar and extra cream." I told him and he nodded then began making me my coffee as Magne sat down next to me.

" Good Morning Honey Child." She told me and I grumbled sending a small wave.

" What is good? It's just morning...." I mumbled then slammed my head down on the bar.

" Hey little mama!" Twice exclaimed, making me happy, or at least smile.

" Hey twice." I grumbled.

" Alright little shits listen up." Tomura droned " Magne, Twice, and Kage you three go get food. Spinner and Compress go get the Van. Dabi and Toga get the gear packed and ready to go. I want you all out of here by noon."

" Why? The camp isn't for the next 48 hours?" Dabi asked.

" Dummy, that's when the attack is. The kids go there today. We need to watch them and plan our strike according to how the layout of the camp is." Spinner said, making Dabi glare at him.

"Let go girls!" I told Twice and Magne, they jumped up behind me and I threw my hood over my head as we left the bar heading to the nearest convenience store. " Get a bit of everything. We are going to be gone for the next three days at most." I told them as soon as we entered the building I discreetly used my quirk to fry the security system then looking over at the counter clerk making him black out as I meddled with his vagus nerve I watched as the two ran around like kids in a candy shop. After about 30 minutes and most of the store empty with the two of them holding at least three coolers each I smiled then flicked my wrist making a bubble around the coolers then had us leave before I fixed the security cameras. Walking back to the bar I saw an all white van making me snort before we entered seeing Spinner and Compress lounging on the couch.

"We brought snackies!" Twice exclaimed as I layed the coolers down on the floor.

" We're back!" Magne exclaimed happily, making me snort seeing a white coffee cup on the bar making me smile. Grabbing the white mug I took a cautious sip, noticing that it was on the cooler side I started to chug it as Dabi and Toga slammed open the door making Twice cry out in surprise and me almost spit out my glorious coffee.

" The Van is all loaded up scaley." Dabi droned.

" It's Spinner!" Spinner snapped.

" Alright! Everyone ready to go?" Compress asked and we all nodded, just getting the coolers gathered up again caught Tomura out of the corner of my eye making me look at him seeing a black cloth carefully being held. Slowly he walked over to me then stuck out the hand holding the cloth.

" Give this to her when you drug her. Tell her... Tell her it's from Tenko..." He muttered and I nodded, accepting it. " It should keep her calm." He said.

" Yes sir." I said giving a small salute then followed the rest of the gang out to the van. loading in the coolers I leapt over the back of the seats sitting in between Twice and Magne. In the row in front of us was Dabi and Toga, Dabi was already looking pale. Toga was firmly ducked taped to her seat and in the front row was Spinner as the Driver and Compress as the co-pilot.

" Alrighty children, is everyone ready to go?" Spinner asked, looking into the rearview mirror and we all said yes, Dabi's eyes widened as the van began to move. He gripped the armrests like they were his only life preserver. His arms shook at how hard he was holding them and his knuckles were as white as his face.

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