Public Enemy Number One

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You and the ninja finally made it to Stixx after a few problems were dealt with. You all spread out and tried to look for clues but nothing came up, except the part where Kai found his figurines in a dump of trash. 

After a few more minutes of searching you all decided to take a break and sit somewhere, with disguises, of course. That was until you noticed something on the TV. "..Hey, is that us?" I tugged on Zane's arm. The nindroid looked at the TV and scanned the faces. 

"It appears so. But I do not understand." Zane looked at the others.

"We couldn't have been there. We were here and at the city this whole time." You frowned. Lloyd frowned. 

"Something's not right. Whatever Clouse was looking for, it seems like he got to it already." Lloyd sighed. The reporter on the TV then announced that you and the ninja were now wanted fugitives.

"What?!" Jay stood up. You widened your eyes and tugged him back down.

"Are you crazy?" You asked in a panic. Zane stood up.

"Zane?" Lloyd looked at him.

"What're you doing? Sit back down, or else they'll notice us!" Jay panicked.

"But why? The best option to avoid conflict is to turn ourselves in and convince them that we are being framed." Zane tilted his head.

"We all know that won't work." You whispered. The people that were around started to look at us.

"'Ey, it's those guys on the TV!" One of them shouted.




"Seriously? I was the last one to figure out it was Wu's old Monastery? And Lloyd wasn't even trained here." Jay complained as he got off his dragon and walked towards you and the others.

"It'll only be a matter of time before they find this place, too, so there isn't much time. Zane, show them what you found." Lloyd turned to Zane and nodded.

"I came across security footage of Sensei at the Library of Domu. He was not alone." He showed you all the footage he obtained using a projector.

"Hey, look. It's Wu." Cole pointed out.

"What happened? Who was he looking at?" 

"We don't know, but no one's seen him since." You crossed your arms as you frowned.

"The library database indicated he had checked out a book about the Teapot of Tyrahn. We originally thought we may be dealing with Clouse. If this is what I think it is, it appears to be far worse. We may have a Djinn on our hands." Zane turned the projector off and faced us with a frown.

"A Djinn?"

"Kind of like a genie, only when he grants you wishes, you'll be wishing you never met him." Nya said with a small frown.

"What else do we know about Djinn?" Lloyd crossed his arms as he glanced at you.

"Uhh.. Not much, just that they are very sneaky and have great power.." Kai stated. You noticed his gaze and smiled.

"I do believe smiling is not the proper reaction when one is warned about a Djinn." Zane looked at Jay, who was smiling like an idiot.

"But Nya said they grant wishes. And with wishes, anything is possible, right?" Jay asked.

"Hmm. My logic parameters do not allow me to understand the full extent of a wish. But I am curious where you're going with this." The nindroid tilted his head to the side.

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