The Last stand

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This chapter is "The Greatest Fear of All" and "The Corridor of Elders" mash thingy.

I sighed as we were flying to Ninjago in hopes of stopping Chen. "Chen and his army have a day's start on us. Be prepared for anything and everything." Lloyd ordered, "How did we lose so much time?" 

"You know, you took an oath never to leave a man behind." Darreth said. "And we're not all quick learners. Mastering your fear to create power dragons takes time." Jay ignored Darreth. "Well, we're running out of that. There's Ninjago City. Hurry!!" Nya shouted.

Griffin then sped forward, "Hurry is my middle name!" His dragon let out a roar and dove down into the city. We nodded and followed after him. My dragon then roared softly, I looked down and softly patted his neck. "It's okay.. I know you're tired.. Soon.." I muttered.

"Remember, whatever happens down there, we're stronger united. We fight as one." Lloyd said. "Let's do this!" Jay yelled and we landed somewhere in the city. I sighed and heard someone, "Serpentine!!"

The citizens ran away and I rolled my eyes. "I wish I still had the power to change."  Skylar covered her face, "You have changed. You're with us now." Kai said. Then a car started honking at Kai's dragon.

I looked down and saw an elder woman behind Kai's dragon. "Could you be a dear and move your dragon? Thank you, young man." I looked around, "If we're the first ones they've seen, where's Chen and why hasn't he attacked?" Garmadon asked.

"We have to get you and my father off the streets before we alarm everyone." Lloyd then looked up, "Everyone else, stick together and watch over the people!" The others flew away and Skylar looked at her arm.

"The spell wore off?" I asked. Skylar shrugged and we went to the Samurai X caves. "And hello to you, old friend." Zane said to his falcon. "You're all back! Zane. Look at you. You're all shiny." Wu laughed.

"But where's your father?" Misako asked. "It's me, Misako." Misako gasped, "Don't worry, we have reason to believe the spell may be wearing off." Skylar explained. "But if that's true, it only makes Chen more desperate to act now. Everyone, this is Skylar, Chen's daughter." Kai said.

"You're amongst friends, Skylar." Misako smiled.

"Thank you for looking after my Misako." Garmadon said. "As any good brother should." Wu replied. "Yes. A.. good brother." Garmadon hesitated.

"There isn't much time. Our friends are on standby, but we don't know where Chen will strike first." Lloyd said. "And if we're not all there to stop him when he first attacks..." Cole frowned. "Ninjago will succumb to war... Our greatest fear will come true." Garmadon said.

"Then the greatest victory will be that which has no battle." Wu said, "But how do we prevent a war? How do we stop an enemy we know so little about?" Jay asked. Zane's falcon then cawed and landed on a screen which showed the Prison. I crossed my arms, "Then we find someone who does.." I said.


"Kryptarium Prison. Home to Ninjago's worst of the worst." Garmadon said. "I don't get it, who's gonna help us here?" Cole asked. "If one must learn how to fight a snake, one must talk to one first." Wu said.

"Luckily, the only snake here is one that we need to talk to the most." I said. We walked in and the warden started to talk about something random, but I dozed off, while looking at the security system.

We walked further in and the warden pointed out where he would be, "Last cell on the left." We walked in and saw a small little house. I snickered, "We need your help." Lloyd looked into one of the windows. 

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