The Art of the Silent Fist

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We had arrived at the monastery and were in hiding in a forest near-by. "Aah, this is a perfect place to lay low. No robots, no cameras, no problems." Lloyd said. "Still, if any arial drones pass overhead, you better wear this. It'll scramble their signal so they can't find you." Nya said.

Lloyd changed into the green gi and chuckled, "Yeah, this is sweet." I chuckled and heard Misako, "Lloyd?" Lloyd widened his eyes, "Mom?" Misako ran towards him and they hugged, "What are you all doing here?" She asked.

"The Overlord's back and New Ninjago City has fallen under his control. He has Sensei Wu." Lloyd explained. "Wu's tough. There's a reason he's lived as long as he has." Misako smiled. "Well, where's dad?" Lloyd asked. "Yeah, where is Lord Garmadon?" Kai asked.

"He no longer goes by Lord. Here, he is Sensei Garmadon. And he won't be back until this evening's lesson." Misako said. I looked at the others and they were surprised. "Uh, did you just say Sensei Garmadon?" Jay asked. I giggled and Lloyd pulled me towards his chest. "So this is what you meant when you said 'Garmadon's Monastery'.."

I rolled my eyes playfully and poked his forehead, "What'd you think I meant?" I asked. "Well, I'm glad he's on our side now. With Sensei Wu gone, we could use the help." Zane said. 

"Come in, but your weapons are not allowed. Ever since Lloyd saved his father, Garmadon's sworn an oath to never fight in hope to make up for his evil past It's an oath he takes very seriously." Misako said. 

The ninja took out the Techno Blades and looked at Misako, "But we were supposed to protect these with our lives." kai said. "And never let them out of our sight." Jay finished. "You guys go on ahead. I will stay back and watch over them." Zane said.

I frowned a bit as the ninja thanked him and walked towards the monastery, "Be safe, bye." I waved at Zane and ran towards the others. 


We entered the monastery and saw children playing, I chuckled as they ran towards us. "Ah, at least there's some places left in this world I'm still considered cool." Cole said. But the children ran past Cole, Kai and Jay and ran to Lloyd, "Oh wow! It's the Green Ninja!" A boy said. I snickered and stood back a bit.

I then looked over at Nya and saw her staring at Jay and Cole. "I recognize that look." Misako said. "What look? I wasn't looking!" Nya said. I chuckled, "Two boys, one heart?" Misako asked her.

"Am I that obvious? What do I do? Jay's the only one who makes me laugh, but Cole... Cole's not Jay." Nya said. I smiled and put my hand on her shoulder, "Go with your heart. In time, you'll find out who you want." I smiled. Nya looked at me and smiled.

We then went inside and sat down. I sat next to Nya and a bit behind Lloyd. There was a pillar next to me and I leaned on it a little. We looked to the side a bit and saw a shadow with four arms. We widened our eyes and the door opened. We calmed down when we saw Garmadon with two arms.

"Ah, my son, so glad you could join us." Garmadon said. "Heh, it's been a while, father." Lloyd waved. "Check out the new sensei looking sharp." Jay said but Garmadon bonked him the head. I winced and held in my laughter.

"Silence. Close your mouth, and open your ears. Tonight's lesson is the Art of the Silent Fist, to fight without fighting. May I have a volunteer?" Garmadon asked. When no one raised their hand, Lloyd did. "How about me?" Lloyd smiled. "The Ultimate Battle: Round Two!" Nya said.

I smiled and watched Lloyd walk up to the middle. "Attack me. But, please, no powers. I happen to like my monastery." Garmadon said. The children laughed while we were confused. Lloyd charged at Garmadon and tried to punch him but his father dodged it.

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