Stiix and Stones

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I sighed and looked up at the sky. "Hello? Y/n?" I looked forward again and spoke into my comms. "I'm here. What do you need?" I asked. "Meet us at Stiix." I blinked, "Uhm-" I opened my mouth, "No time to explain! Just come to Stiix!!" 

"Wait- Jay!" I shouted but got nothing. I groaned, "Do you know what happened?" I asked my dragon. He bellowed and I sighed, "Guess not." I muttered and hurried my way to Stiix. 


I saw the ninja go into a little pawn shop and blinked. I tilted my head and landed just in front of it, gaining a few stares here and there. I got off my dragon and walked inside. "Okay, I'm here.. What'd you need me for?"

I looked around the pawn shop."Why'd you call me here?" I frowned. "Look, just help us find the scroll of Airjitsu and we'll get out of here." I didn't even question what Airjitsu was.

"Alright! Alright!" I pouted softly and began to look around. "Hey, Y/n. Guess what we found out?" Cole asked. I looked at his direction and raised an eyebrow. "What?" I looked back and continued to look around for the scroll. 

"We found out that ghosts can't touch water. If they do, they poof out of existence!" Jay finished for Cole which made him glare slightly at Jay. I chuckled, "That, I know. Dad told me." I picked up a weapon with three sharp tips. "Hey, what's this?" I raised the weapon up slightly.

"That's an Aero-blade. A weapon forged by deepstone." Zane smiled. I hummed in response and put it back. 'That could be useful against Dad's ghost friends...' I sighed. "Guess the scroll's not on this shelf." I sighed and walked to another shelf. "Wonder if it's here.." She softly muttered.

I yawned slightly as I felt a chill down my spine. I shuddered a bit and looked around. A soft breeze flew by me. 'Dad..?' I sighed and sent a soft gust of wind back at him. 'Guess he's already here.'

I stretched my arms outwards and sighed. I looked around and saw Dad next to me. I gasped slightly. "Shh.." I nodded.

"I'm guessing you didn't notice your friends leaving?" I widened my eyes and looked around. "Wait- Dad-.." I sighed, seeing him gone. I looked to the side to see Ronin talking to Dad and his friend. 

Then I saw them pull him back and heard muffled sounds. "Must be them." I widened my eyes. 'Shoot.. Do I tell them Dad and his little friend is here?!' I bit my lip and shook my head. 'No- I shouldn't- Wait- Yes I should! Dad's my enemy! He stole my boyfriend's body!!!' I inwardly groaned and softly banged my head against the wall.

Then I heard glass breaking. I flinched and looked back. "Great, now we're already on the hook for breaking and entering." Cole frowned. "I don't like sneaking around in the dark any more than you do, so let's just find the scroll and get out of here." Kai reasoned with Cole.

"Hey, when you guys were leaders, you never heard me complain. And if you don't like sneaking around, why become a ninja?" Jay furrowed his eyebrows before looking at a vase. He approached it and grabbed it, before lifting it up, "And leave no stone unturned."

"The faster we find the scroll, the faster we can work on the next clue that will lead us to the tomb. Then we can save Lloyd, and it will be all because of me." Jay walked next to a sheet and pulled it down, revealing a Pipe Organ.

"I found it!" Cole exclaimed. "You found the scroll?" Jay asked. "What? No. I found my Dad's Blade Cup. I'm taking it back. He danced hard for this." Cole smiled as he walked away. I then looked over to Jay and widened my eyes.

I saw Dad's friend take control over the pipe organ. "Jay, look out!" I shouted, but it was took late. "Aah, Holy pipes!! The organ's got me!" The ninja gasped. "AH! It's possessed by a ghost!" Cole looked around in fear. "I forgot what we were supposed to do!" Cole frowned.

"Water! Water!!" Jay shouted. Kai then ran to a vase with a fake flower in it. He grabbed it and threw it at the Pipe Organ but no water came out. "Hey! These flowers are fake!" Kai shouted. "We're on a village built entirely over water. Please, take your time!!!" Jay shouted.

Cole then threw a water cantainer at the pipe ogan. Then Zane started to speak gibberish. "What did he say?" I asked.

"I think he said, "Another one of Morro's friends,"" Kai shrugged, "And there's more where that came from!" Dad came out of a back room and summoned more ghosts. He then started to speak a language I couldn't make out while the ghosts understood.

Then his friend flew over to me, grabbed my hand and flew out the pawn shop. "Wait, what! No!"  He didn't listen and flew off. "THIS ISN'T WHAT I HAD IN MIND!!!" I shouted. "His friend took Y/n!!"


We had stopped somewhere in the middle of nowhere. "Morro will come soon. He said he wanted to talk to you." I stayed silent and nodded. A couple minutes later, he came back with a scroll in his hand.

"You got it, huh?" I crossed my arms and looked at the scroll. "Yes. Also, this boyfriend of yours keeps fighting me. I'll let him go for a bit but I'll come back." He frowned a bit and left Lloyd's body.

"Lloyd!" I ran to him and caught him before he fell to the ground. Morro sighed, "I will be back. Lloyd is still weak so he won't be able to run away with you." He flew away. I sighed softly, "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Still can't believe he's your father.." He groaned and leaned onto a tree. I chuckled and sat down next to him, "And your father was once an evil lord." Lloyd laughed softly, "Yeah."

I smiled softly and hugged him. He hugged back and buried his head in my shoulder. "His mind was so dark.. The only light I could see was his memories with your mother." I sighed.

"One more thing." Lloyd looked at me. I looked back at him as he leaned in and kissed me. I widened my eyes before kissing back. He pulled away after a few seconds and panted softly. "That may be our last kiss for a while. Just know that.. I love you. I love you so so much." 

I bit my lip. "I love you too.." We hugged tightly before Lloyd pushed me away. "Go! Tell the others I'm okay. Don't worry about me!" He smiled sadly with teary eyes. I covered my mouth and nodded. "I will!" I hiccuped and ran away with tears falling down.

-Third Person POV-

Morro soon came back and crossed his arms. "Was that enough time..?" He asked. Lloyd slightly glared at Morro. "Why did you agree?" Lloyd asked. "Tch, you really think I like seeing how sad my daughter is? No. I did this for her. Not you."

"...I really hate to admit this but.. you're a good father." Morro clicked his toongue. "Yeah yeah." Morro possessed Lloyd again and sighed, "Time to go.."

HOLY SHOOT I AM BACK FROM THE DEAD Q.Q I would like to deeply apologize for the lack of updates. I wasn't really in the right headspace. I hope you can forgive me. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I';; see you soon! Bye!

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