How You And The Ninja Pass Your Free Time

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I feel like sh** because im leaving you guys hanging... 😭😭 Im so sorry!! But Heres a little thing i did..

You and Kai spar a little from time to time to sharpen your senses more.. even though Kai is more laid back when fighting you.. because well... you're a kid.

You and Cole try to bake omce in while since he been trying to bake a cake for a long time ever since you became a ninja... which results in you doing the baking while he reads to you the ingredients and steps on how to bake a cake.

You and Jay try to build his robot again since Lloyd y'know... tried to mess it up. Although, Jay is still a bit salty about it, he forgives Lloyd.. even if sometimes he's a brat

You and Zane are just chilling in your room playing an using your powers to make the room a bit more colder... but it always goes wrong and you freeze up the Bounty's engine... only for a few seconds until it starts back up again..

You and Lloyd have prank wars with each other and you sometimes use your powers, then you guys read the comics to pass the time and when its time for Lloyd to train he always kisses your hand 'jokingly' for sh**s and giggles but Lloyd means it in a different way.. while you take it as a 'oh he just kisses ny hand as a friend' .... literally everyone knows about your 'LiTtlE' crush on Lloyd but they're waiting to see who confesses first. Cole bets it you while Jay bets its Lloyd.

Hope you guys like this chapter i did. See you soon!... hopefully XD byebye!!

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