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"We underestimate the importance of balance." Garmadon said stacking rocks. "When it's there, we're at peace. If something is off, everything falls." Garmadon stacked another rock. I sighed and checked on Lloyd. 'Hopefully Lloyd doesn't hurt his back during this...' I flew back up and gave Garmadon another rock. "Ninjago is no different. It put too much faith in technology, allowing the Overlord to return. And because of your friends, now the power is without power."

I looked down again and saw Lloyd struggling. I looked up again and saw the falcon, I smiled and I put my arm out, letting the falcon perch on my arm, "Hey there bud." I smiled, the falcon looked at me and chirped. I chuckled and the falcon flew away again.

"In order to find your true potential and unlock your true power, you must find your own balance." Garmadon said, "I'm already the Gold Ninja, how much more power do I need?" Lloyd asked. "You've only scratched the surface." Garmadon placed another rock, "You have the potential to move mountains. The power of the first Spinjitzu Master." Garmadon placed another rock.

"The ninja destroyed the power substation, essentially destroying the Overlord and his nindroids. Why can't we go back?" Lloyd asked. I looked over at Garmadon and saw that he was carrying a boulder. I stepped back a bit and watched, "Essentially? Until the Overlord is fully erased from the system, we must not go back, but forward." Garmadon placed the boulder on top.

Lloyd stumbled and fell with rocks on top of him. I winced, "If you can't move mountains, I guess we'll have to move over mountains." Lloyd groaned and got the rocks off of him, "Oh, yeah?" Lloyd frowned. "And this next one looks particularly steep." I sighed and looked up, 'Not how I thought when I said I wanted to join these two... hopefully the others are doing better than us..'

-With the others-

Cole and Kai were panting, "We've been digging for so long, I think zi forgot what we're looking for..." Cole wheezed a bit, "A jiggly compact compress converter. Or was it a compress compact jiggly converter? Whatever it is, if it can help us get back to New Ninjago city any sooner, it's worth finding." Kai then pulled out a fire hydrant and the pile of junk fell on both of them.

Jay and his father looked at them and blinked, "We shut off the power, thinking we could just waltz in, but no, we didn't stop to think we were a bajillion miles away." Jay looked to the side and gasped, "Hey! A compact converted jiggly compressor!" Jay grabbed it and gave it to his father.

"Woah. Great find, kiddo! Now all we need to adapt that HoverCopter's power supply to solar power is an upside down router derouter-ma-bob and a whiz-bang automated amplifier." Jay's father said. Kai and Cole climbed up to the two and groaned, "I'm starting to think they're just making this stuff up."

-With Zane, Nya, Pixal and Jay's mother-

Nya looked closely and had removed half of Zane's energy source (Aka his heart) "You sure you want to do this? Modifying your original design could have... unintentional consequences." Nya said. Zane looked at Pixal, "She risked her life for me, it's the least I could do to get her back." 

Nya put the half of Zane's heart into a slot on Pixal's chest. After a few moments, Pixal woke up, "Where am I? What happened?" Pixal looked at Zane and saw he had used half of his power source. "You gave me half your power source. My processor does not compute." Pixal tilted her head.

"You are the only one who knows Borg's system. You are vital to the mission. And you are vital to me." Zane said, holding out his hand. Pixal smiled and held Zane's hand. "Aww, robot love. Call me a sucker, but if they've got what you and Jay have..." Jay/s mother, Edna, said.

Pixal looked at them, "Nya and Jay? Judging from Perfect Match compatibility, perhaps Nya and Cole would be a closer comparison." Pixal said. Nya bit her lip, "UH, Nya and Cole are a better match?" Edna asked, "Don't you mean Nya and Jay? Perhaps her processor was damaged." Zane said, "My processor is fully operational. The Perfect Match for Nya isn't Jay, but Cole." Pixal said.

"Wha- Cole's her perfect match?" Jay asked. Nya looked at Jay and frowned, "Jay..." Nya said. She walked towards him and reached out for his hand, but Cole and Kai walked in, "What's going on here? Did Jay pull another Jay Walker gut-buster?" Cole asked, smiling.

Jay turned to Cole and attacked him, "You- Traitor!!" Jay yelled. Cole grunted, "What's- Wrong with you?" Cole asked. Kai sighed. "Ah.. hope Lloyd's faring better than us." Kai said.

-With Lloyd, You and Garmadon-

"This is why I hate climbing." I grunted as I reached for another ledge to grab on. I pushed myself up with my feet and was next to Garmadon. Lloyd put his foot on a loose rock but it fell and the rubble fell on both me and Garmadon.

I looked up and glared slightly at Lloyd, "Hehe.. sorry." He then looked at his father. "Wish you still had four arms?" Garmadon frowned and looked up at Lloyd, "You're potential is great. Not your sense of humor." I chuckled and climbed up faster. 

Lloyd looked at me and blinked. "How are you not breaking a sweat?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled, "I'm the master of wind, I hardly ever break a sweat." Lloyd rolled his eyes and I giggled.

Garmadon looked at both of us and smiled a bit. He then climbed next to Lloyd on the right side. "Come on, we still have a long way to go." Garmadon said. We nodded and climbed up, I went near Garmadon but slipped on a rock. 

I gasped and held my body up with the wind. "Y/n!" Lloyd said. I shushed him and pushed myself back onto the mountain, "I'm fine, but shh! There's a nest." I pointed above Lloyd and he climbed a bit and saw a baby bird. "Don't bother it, son. Climb up slowly." Garmadon said.

Lloyd started to climb up but the baby bird slipped and fell. Lloyd gasped and caught it. "No! What have you done?" Garmadon asked. "I couldn't just let the baby fall!" Lloyd said, I sighed and hovered next to Lloyd, "Yeah, but the mother will know when someone has touched her young!" I said.

We then heard a screech and we looked up, "Oh no." I muttered. The mother swooped down and tried to attack us. I flew away from the mountain and looked at the bird, "Sensei Garmadon! Watch out!!" I warned but it was too late. "Father!!" Lloyd yelled. Lloyd had started to gather some energy, "No, son! Don't use your power as a clutch!" Garmadon said.

Lloyd then shot a ball of energy at the mother and she dropped Garmadon, "Oh shrap.." I dove down but then saw the mountain moving, I widened my eyes and looked at Lloyd, "He did it.." I muttered and laughed.

"You did it, son. You just moved a mountain." Garmadon said. I cheered but saw the baby bird fall, "No!" Lloyd yelled and tried to save the baby, "Lloyd! Look." I smiled and pointed at the baby bird who was flying. Lloyd smiled and relaxed a bit.

Garmadon smiled and stood next to Lloyd, I smiled a bit and Lloyd has made a few stairs out of the mountain. We started to walk down and heard the falcon. We looked around and saw the falcon land in front of us. "Hey, its a message from the others." Lloyd said, 

"Lloyd, we've got some bad news. We had a run-in with a mysterious someone who found a new way to power nindroids." Nya said, "And he turned Sensei Wu evil! He had a black beard!" Jay said. "We have a suspicion that this person may have stolen the hard drive containing the Overlord and has reawakened him." Nya continued. 

"And now that the hard drive has gone missing, we can't reboot the system. Our Techno Blades are useless!" Kai said, "But the stranger left a clue. A white scale." The hologram then showed us the white scale Nya had mentioned.

"That's right, we think it may be serpentine. We're headed to New Ninjago City to get to the bottom of this, but thought you should know so you can keep your distance. Hope your faring better than we are. We'll stay in contact if we learn anything new. Over and out." Nya said.

The falcon then flew away, "Serpentine?" Lloyd asked. "We must not go back, but forward. Hiroshi's Labyrinth. Miles of jungle so dense, all who enter are never found. We must not rest." Garmadon said. "Okay, let's get lost." Lloyd said. The two then walked down while I stayed behind. 

After a few moments, I sighed and caught up with them. 'I'll save my strength for when I need it. I can't afford to lose those two if I'm fatigued.'

Hope you guys liked this chapter! See you soon!

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