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When I was a kid,

I used to believe in magic..

I used to act like a princess. And wanted to become one someday.

I used to believe in fairies.

I used to believe in destiny, and

I used to trust "perfect timings".

But as I grow up, all these beliefs turned out to be the exact opposite of the cruel reality.

Magics don't really exist..

Not everybody is born and will become a royalty. Philippine's not a country for "royalties".

Fairies are a pure lie. We are not Cinderella.

Destiny fuck up at times.

And there's no such thing as 'pefect timings'...

Because my life was an example of a never, not, and never will be on 'perfect timing'.

"The feelings were right, the time wasn't."

"The time was right, the feelings weren't."

Curse destiny. Of all people, why me?

I'm Elle, and I'm a mess.


"Sometimes, some things are better left unsaid and UNEXPRESSED."


Unexpressed Feelings

@ohsomefreak ×

Unexpressed FeelingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon