Crows and Owls!

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I really didn't expect a person to be standing behind me. The thing was, I didn't even know who this was. It was my very first time seeing them. Not to mention how surprised I was by that guy putting his arms on my shoulder claiming they would take me in. Was I looking that lost? I mean I had a team and it was my mistake after all.

Daichi: I am sorry but he is our spiker.

???: Not how you are treating him.

Sugawara: And who are you to come and and just mess things up?

???: HAH! Can't believe the crows are not only wingless but also heartless!

All of the sudden another person came in and looked at me and then the team before basically jumping into the conversation. Was it that obvious that I was hurt? Was it that obvious that I would do anything to just play on the field. I started wondering how I looked like till realization hit me. I for sure must have been a bother for everyone seeing how they would react like this.

Me: I am sor-

Not even letting me finish talking and this person basically forced me to turn around and started pushing me as well as guiding me to another team.

???: What's your name shorty?

Me: Hinata...Hinata Shoyo.

???: I am Bokuto. Kotaro Bokuto, welcome to Fukurodani little bird.

???: Kotaro, you can't just steal a player!

Bokuto: I can. You saw what he can do and how they treated him.

???: I am Tatsuki Washio, that there is Keiji Akaashi. Don't mind them.

Me: Ahm... I think I should get ba-

???: You are staying!

Me: Huh?

???: I am Akinori Konoha. Sorry for the late introduction and as I said, you are staying with ut.

Me: But-

Before I knew it, their coach as well as my own coach came towards the team. This was such a mess and I didn't wanted to be part in this. Not only that but I really felt responsible for everything and that made me feel really bad. Not only did I just do something against my own teams will but now I was ditching them and starting to be part of another team? It just felt wrong.

Ukai: Hinata!

Other Coach: Leave the boy be. You obviously don't know how to handle a small bird well.

Ukai: He is a crow and get your hands off him, Yamiji.

Yamiji: A crow you say? I see a baby owl.

Ukai: You wanna steal a member away from Karasuno?

Yamiji: How about I give you one of my members for this game?

Ukai: No. He is part of Karasuno.

Yamiji: Question is how long with how your team is treating a raw diamond.

Ukai: That is none of your business. Hinata come over here.

I could literally feel how angry the coach was but I for some reason my feet didn't wanted to move. Not only that but I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Bokuto there and the other team members started stepping right next to us and some even in front of us. It felt as if they wanted to protect me but...

What am I doing?

I am basically betraying my own team...

This isn't good.

They will certainly kick me out...

And then what?

What should I do?

I can't leave Karasuno...

Which school would tkae something useless as me up...


I should get back.

Yamiji: Looks like my team took a liking to him. How about a swap just for today?

As I was standing there, I felt tears whelling up in my eyes. I was soo useless. Now people were even fighting because of something I did. The moment I started to give myself the fault for this, I started clentching my fist until my nails dug into my skin and I didn't even feel the pain or anything but all of the sudden someone pulled my hand up. 

Bokuto: Don't do this little birdy! Come here.

Akaashi: I'll deal with the team.

Before we went out of the training ground, I could see Nekoma's coach as well as the other team coach going into the discussion as well.

This is all my fault!

If I didn't decide to win that round....

If I only haven't decided to go against them all!

Then this wouldn't be a problem right now.

I am so usless.

All I know is to stear trouble....

We both walked towards the changing room in silence as I continued beating myself up not even realizing how this captain was looking at me or even if he had noticed my wounds of the recent past.

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