Quarrel Squabble

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Chapter notes:

It's a royalty au too, but it's not related to first chapter at all. I can say it was inspired by the fight scene in the Jodha Akbar movie lol.

I am not studying properly, does anyone have tips to study with concentration?

Story summary

Vegas and Pete  belong to kingdom capitals Bangkok and Funan respectively. Their first fight occurs after six months in their marriage and Pete  angrily went back to his kingdom. Vegas went to get his Pete  back to his kingdom.

PongTong  as Pete 's parents,kinnporsche as Vegas's parents

Story starts

Where Vegas is ordering his guards to arrange a trip to neighbouring kingdom capital Funan to get his husband back from Funan. Why? Because he was a fool and had a ugly fight with his lovely husband Pete  2 weeks before.

Pete Phongsakorn is the young prince of the kingdom Funan Province,a doting son to Pong Phongsakorn and Tong Phongsakorn, a lovely brother to Arm.

A sudden scary wave passed through him when he was reminded of his father-in-law Tong Phongsakorn, who warned him at the time of their arranged marriage…"Never ever make my baby Pete  cry, else you won't be alive to face the consequences''. That's not an easy scare to forget. Mind you.

Oh god, he is going to die at the hands of  Tong  today, definitely ,for making Pete  sad. Adding to his misery his Appa Porsche has not talked to him since Pete  left the palace. He now understands he made a mistake. He is an asshole for not believing his husband's words enough.

" Prince Vegas, all the arrangements are ready for travelling to Funan, please instruct us when to start the journey " his bodyguard Time informed him, when he was walking through the hallways towards the Library.

" We will start now, but before I'll inform my papa, " Prince Vegas stated and Time nodded when Prince finished his words. When he turned right to go to his father's library, a panting Tay ran through the hallways and reached Time and gave him a shawl and whispered something into his bodyguard's ear. Time smiled at that.

Even when see the prince Tay didn't bow to the prince..
Time nudged him and whispered.
" Greet prince now, why are you acting like this?" To which Tay sassed " Well, he hurted Pete , because of him my best friend is not in the palace right now. I won't respect him till Pete comes to our kingdom." Said and ran again.

" Oh God, How many members did I exactly pissed off." Vegas mumbled to himself and went to meet his father aka King kinn Theerapanyakul. When he reached the library he noticed his appa Porsche was also there. Instead of reading they were sneaking glances at each other. He rolled his eyes and made a noise indicating his presence.
Upon seeing him, his appa Porsche's lips changed into frown. Kinn  glanced at both and thought Porsche was still behaving like a kid. Ignoring his husband's scowl he turned towards his son.

" Vegas, what brought you here, I thought you went hunting along with prince Tawan today ". Porsche frowned more hearing this.

" papa, the hunting expedition was stopped due to some circumstances. But now I want to go to Funan to visit my husband ".

How fast the frown on Porsche's face turned into a big smile hearing this. Kinn  smiled seeing this . Yes, his husband is still a kid.

"Are you going to bring back my son-in-law?" Kinn  questioned his son. Vegas nodded,
" Ok then, all the best Vegas. You definitely need it for facing Tong  tomorrow. " Kinn  smirked and Vegas groaned.

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