Typical morning

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A random thought...

Vegas is sitting in front of Porcshe and kinn who sat away from each other... Vegas never thought he would be in this place right now...


Imagine how fucked up the situation is that Vegas decided to give
Relationship advice....

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Then what can he do?

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Then what can he do?...

Porsche is gate crashing every other weekend after fighting with kinn and spends at least 3 days every time when he and kinn fought....

Yes , Vegas could give a charity room in his house. But Porsche is taking Pete away....

Vegas tried not to snap, he endured for 3 months, but the situation is still the same... that's why he planned an emergency meeting with kinn and porcshe in the minor family compound...

He looked at both Kinn and Porcshe who are fighting even now... Pete didn't wake up til now and Vegas wants to cuddle Pete instead of this shit he was about to do now...

" why did you call me so early saying it's an emergency?" Kinn asked ...

" Why did you wake me up this early morning?" Porsche said grumbling...

" Cause your fights became detrimental to my love life with Pete.... Porcshe is gate crashing us too much and Pete is sad that you two are not getting along with each other.... That's why I decided to give you relationship advice"....

Both kinn and porcshe huffed at Vegas.....

" You are giving us relationship advice? You?".... Kinn said in a mocking tone and Porsche agrees too ...

" Yeah, I am ....Imagine how worse your relationship became if " I decided to give advice to you" "... Vegas said quoting with hands...

That shut up kinn and Porsche....cause deep down Vegas is right.

Vegas looked at Kinn..." You should stop dancing to every whim of your father....stop trusting him blindly He is not a saint, he killed my father and he has many secrets and you still don't know the half of them.

If you always nod your head to his decisions, nothing will change...listen to what Porsche says without dismissing him everytime.... every time you dismiss Porcshe that his thoughts are ridiculous.,Remember Porcshe is not someone who wants to actively kill his lover's father

Listen to him and don't confront your father directly with every theory you listen to...of course he's gonna decline..."....

Kinn still didn't look like he was satisfied...

Vegas groaned " what did your father first say when Porcshe confronted him about his parents?

That his friend killed them in an accident.... When Porcshe remembered what happened, he changed and said my papa killed them... How do you know the 2nd one is the truth? How confident are you that he won't change his stance again the minute Porcshe remembers some more..."

Kinn didn't say....but he is thinking...

" Finally, Vegas.... That's what I am trying to make him realise...."...

Now Vegas glared at Porcshe...

" You are not any better Porcshe....stop taking impulsive decisions every time without even making him understand the truth"...

" I don't "... Porcshe snarled....

" Aren't you the one who escaped the basement with me? Aren't you the one who escaped out of the major family compound with me without even telling kinn anything?"...


" If you don't trust kinn ,why would he want to listen to you?"

Vegas looked at both of them...

" Both of you talk to each other before fighting...and for fuck sake stop invading my home every weekend....

I am already sharing Pete with my gremlin Venice , he literally hogs Pete's attention... Now you Porsche....I don't mean you are not Welcome here, but I don't want it every time because you and kinn fight.... And I want to spend time with Pete, not your problems...."


Vegas removed his shirt and moved under the sheets , Pete immediately nuzzled to him closer seeking warmth... Vegas kissed his neck and they both had only one hour to cuddle till Venice wakes up with a shrill cry...

" Why did you go away?"... Pete said still in sleep...hugging Vegas tightly

" To resolve some shit...".

" Is it solved?"

" I think so"

" I am proud of you"...

Pete mumbled....and typical Vegas to marry right now just like every other morning....


End thoughts

Just a random drabble, I want to start writing shiny Toy, I know many of you are waiting....

But I have two commissioned work lining, yes, your girl got two commissioned works( someone thought my works are really worth it to commission) ..I have to finish them before anything....

Honestly, if someone wants to  commission my remaining work shiny toy, you can DM me....

I'll be back after mid July...

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