kitty cat (2)

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Chapter notes:

It's just a scene inspired by the below pic. It's not a chapter or something. I just wanted to share this small scene with's just 490 words

Story starts

" Come on Vegas , talk to me…

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" Come on Vegas , talk to me…." Pete tried to talk to the person sitting infront of him,but vegas is silent…

" Vegas please " Pete bent his head down and to try to look at Vegas eyes, cause his husband sat on the random thing he saw at the airport.

Vegas and Pete both are in the airport going on their honeymoon ,but Pete is getting tired because Vegas is not talking to him from the minute they got into the car to the airport…

Pete decided to use his nickname to convince Vegas sulking

" Look at your kitty cat please…" Pete tried to act like a playful kitty ,still Vegas is looking down but not at Pete…

Pete is done with Vegas…

" That's it Vegas...why are you making a big deal out of it?" Pete raised his voice..

Vegas lifted his head up and looked at Pete like he betrayed him…like how could you say the words like that...

" I am making a big deal out of it, cause it is a bigdeal….it didn't even pass the 24 hrs since we got married and you are already breaking the promises…"Vegas raised his voice too and some people in the airport looked at them…

Pete is embarrassed to say...

" Omg, you are talking about it I cheated on you…I just forgot to give a morning kiss…." Pete is astonished at his husband

" Yes, you forget to give me a morning kiss…it's a big thing….…we didn't even have a honeymoon…and you are already forgetting your changed a lot in one light Pete...." Vegas pouted at the end...

" Vegas, we woke up and had to get ready quickly…that's why I forgot our morning kiss... " Pete tried to make him understand

" We are going in a private jet…there is no standard time for us…"

" But still, we should follow the rules…"

" But you didn't follow the main rule in our relationship …." The pout didn't go from vegas face....

Pete wants to laugh at Vegas…. come on..., his husband is cute…never he thought when he agreed to be a boyfriend for Vegas,his husband was a big whiny baby….

" Ok, I am sorry…what do I make you happy now?..." Pete want to make amends....

Vegas again went into sulking mode…ignoring Pete...

Pete bent down again and looked into Vegas eyes… and blinked his eyes slowly

" If I let you do whatever you want with me in kitty ears and tail in the plane, will that suffice for my mistake?"

Vegas eyes became sparkly on the offer…Pete just wanted to pinch him….he looks like he won a prize...

Vegas nodded enthusiastically….and got up from the sitting position…

" Come on kitty, what are you waiting for….we should follow the rules even for a private jet…come ….come….we shouldn't be late...."

Pete just rolled his eyes and let his husband drag him to the plane ....

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