Passive wolf(2)

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Chapter notes:

Ok, it's a domestic chapter between Vegas, Pete and Venice.its continuous fic to previous chapter.

There are warning because this chapter consists of male lactation, omegaverse, nursing and breastfeeding, male pregnancy.

Please stay from this chapter of you are uncomfortable reading this trope. Don't post any negative comments after reading .

Story starts:

If anyone asks Vegas, what is the sight that he wants to wake up everyday ? The answer would be Pete's sleeping face beside him. Atleast It was, untill a month ago…

But now It changed. Now it is Pete nursing their little Venice ,the first thing in the morning. Today also Vegas woke up to this…

Pete's button shirt sliding on one side on the shoulder and he has Venice near his chest and Venice is slurping…..

" Ven ven is hungry in the morning?" as vegas said Pete looked at his fiance, they still not mated. The surprise pregnancy put a hold to their plans and they won't exchange it either way….

" Yes, first thing in the morning" Pete smiled looking at their son ..

" If it continues, he'll be a competition to me" Vegas said and got down from the bed and moved towards their closet to take clothes…..

That's when it clicked to Pete what Vegas said

" Vegas….pervert….in the morning" Pete took the pillow and threw it across the room on Vegas …

Vegas just laughed himself loudly and smirked seeing Pete's blushing face….

" You'll like it ,right Pete?" Before finishing another pillow landed directly on his face and he silent went into the washroom.


Vegas is getting ready and Pete is making his little ven ven to wear cute clothes.

" Why did you reject going to Chiang Mai?.  I heard the gang is creating trouble for more than a month"" Pete asked , Venice on the bed babbling...

Vegas closed his eyes cursing Nop

" I already sent someone to assess the condition "

" If it's more than a month you know it won't subside till you intervine directly "...

" Not now Pete, I won't go anywhere now. I will send another one"

" Who? Porsche is in bed rest and Kinn won't leave his pregnant omega like that now. You have to go"

" I have you at home too and it's just been a month. You know I can't leave you for a long time"....

Pete smiled " I know Vegas, but I am fine now right. I am so healthy. it's more than month since our little ven ven came. I am ok now. You can go…."

Vegas came turned towards him to reject again but Pete has other plans.

" Ven ven ,tell your papa to do his work…." Pete showed Venice to Vegas and Venice make a sound….

" See, ven ven agrees tooo … " Pete's smiled big.

" He didn't agree, he just made a normal baby sound".... Said Vegas and  took Venice in his arms…his one arm supporting baby's neck, to be stable...

Venice make sound again….

" See"... Vegas said this time.

Pete glared at Vegas….

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