Chapter 1 - What.

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(Y/n) POV
I wake up, and slowly open my tired eyes. My memories of yesterday are blurry - all I remember is loud music, a huge crowd and a lot of excitement. I realize, with a weird feeling in my stomach, that I am not in my bed. I am not home. I shiver and slowly sit up to see things a bit more clearly. My head starts hurting so bad, that I slam myself on the bed again. Shit. I pull myself up with the pinch of strength I still have.
Than it hits me.
There is a stranger in the bed with me. I repeat. There is a stranger in the bed with me. I'm so frustrated - firstly, because I don't remember anything at all, and secondly, because I know that I was probably drunk and surely did some extremely stupid things.
I quietly, very carefully cover myself with a sheet and pick my clothes from the floor. I put them on really quickly, silently hoping, that the snoring person on the bed won't wake up any time soon. I crawl to the bathroom, lock the doors, and start calling (f/n), who kin of got me in the situation. We went travelling around the States for 6 months together, and sooner or later, we ended up in a crazy party in Las Vegas.
"Fuck," I swear, when she doesn't pick up. What the hell do I do, if I wake up naked, next to a random person??
Than I unlock the door and approach the bed again. The guy is still sleeping, curled in a ball, unaware of the awkward situation. He doesn't seem disturbed, and I feel like he won't wake up, unless I do something about it. I sit on a chair across the room, and take a better look at him. He has dark brown hair, lightly curled on the edges, and black earrings. He murmurs something and turns around, leaving me with a sight of a pretty nice jawline. Wow, at least I chose a handsome person. He seems really tall, and ... wait. WAIT. Could it be?
I grab a pillow I was sleeping on and throw it onto his face. He doesn't react.
"Hey, you, um ... ! Wake up!!" I shout and finally get him to open his eyes. Chocolate brown eyes.
I suddenly feel really sick. Like I'm going to pass out, so I sit on the bed and cover my head with my hands. He awkwardly looks at me, and I realize that he's still completely naked under the covers.
"Um, why don't you put on some clothes and them we talk?" I ask. My brain is buzzing and I don't possibly know what to do next. I am sitting next to fricking naked Daniel James Howell, and I have no idea where, how or why I got into such a situation. He nods, clearly embarrassed. I close my eyes,and wait for him to get up and close the bathroom door. I breath in and out, like I read on the internet, to calm myself down. That doesn't really help, because I spot, in the corner of my eye, something horrible. The worst thing that could happen in such a a situation.
It's a pile of documents, on a pink paper. I pick them up, with an unsteady hand. I read the title. I read some of the small print. It's a wedding contract. A fucking Las Vegas wedding contract, which makes me, (your full name), and Daniel James Howell a husband and a wife.

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