Chapter 3 - The Research

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I step out of the car, and wave goodbye. I really enjoyed the car ride with Dan & Phil, but probably mostly because I ignored Dan and he ignored me. It's not that I don't like Dan. Not at all, but right now, everything about him reminds me of the jolt in my stomach, when I found the wedding contract. Phil is as sweet as he always is in his adorable videos, and that makes me really happy. Dan Howell was always my spirit animal. I loved both of them so much - I wrote fanfiction, ran fan accounts ... and now, I fricking woke up married to Dan. And realized that he's pretty childish. Still terribly adorable, but also horribly unfair. He kept saying that it was all my fault! It was both of us, obviously. He could stop any time, but he didn't. We don't even know what happened - maybe it was all his idea!

I open the door to my apartment, and see (f/n), sitting on the sofa, eating ice cream and looking upset.

When I walk in, she jumps up and hugs me tight.

"(Y/n)!!! Someone stole my phone and I didn't know where you were! I was looking for you all morning!" I hug her back. Her hugs are always nicely comforting.

"Just sit down and let me explain what happened. It's fucking insane. Also, kind of terrible." She seems confused, but intrigued.

"First of all - do you remember anything from that party yesterday?" I ask, my eyes full of hope.

"Well, of course. Going there, and dancing. I also remember you, being awkward in the crowd, and then after a few drinks, some tall guy came up to us, and you started with your fangirling nonsense. And he started hitting on you - we were all really drunk, and then I started talking to some other guy, and then, you were suddenly gone. All I knew was, that you were probably the most drunk in your life, and got really worried. So, what happened?" she shortly explains the whole evening, and asks me the most important question.

"Um, I kind of don't remember anything, but what basically happened was, that I woke up in some hotel room this morning, naked, next to the tall guy, who was also naked, and happens to be my favorite YouTuber. Oh, and we're married." We stand in a long awkward silence, staring into each other eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" she asks.



"Exactly, now let me find the location of that wedding chapel we married in." She keeps swearing, as I leave her side and grab my laptop. I open it, and cringe, seeing my Windows profile picture - obviously my face, photoshopped next to Dan and Phil. I hurry with my password and violently close the Tumblr tabs, with Phan on my dashboard. Let's just hope that they never use my computer.

I write the chapel's name in Google search. Nothing.

I add: wedding chapel. It mostly just shows lists of random wedding offers.

Then Las Vegas, and I finally find a Vegas map, full of places, and most importantly - chapels.

I look for the name, and location near the club. I'm completely disorientated, so I ask (f/n) for help. She know some things better than me, so with both of our skills, we find the right one. I'm ringing Dan after a minute.

"Hello, Dan Howell speaking?" He answers after a lot of time, in his cute Winnie the Pooh-ish British accent, that I spent so many hours, fangirling over.

"Hey, it's (y/n), I found the location. We better get going."

"Thanks god! Where?" I tell him the adress and he just quickly replies with:

"F*ck yeah. We meet there in 5." and ends the call.

"Alright then." I think to myself, take the car keys from the table, and open the doors, but (f/n) stops me.

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