Chapter 6 - Movie Night

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I stand up, and take myself into my bedroom. The sofa isn't bad, and I'm really enjoying just laying there, but I still need my laptop. I pick it up, and return it to my position, but then take a walk to the kitchen to take some chocolate. I honestly can't live without it, so I'm super happy, when I see 5 packs in the fridge. I take 2 and half-lay on the couch again. I rip the chocolate open and eat a piece.

"DID I JUST HEAR FOOD?" Dan violently screams from behind the walls.

"Go away, I'm not giving you any!" I'm overprotective, but nope, not gonna share.

"Is it chocolate?"


"Liar. It is."

"Maybe, but you're too lazy to stand up and take it anyway," I tease.

"Is this a challenge?"


"Never underestimate my powers!" He screams, and I hear him standing up and running. I jump up as well, and sprint into the kitchen, to save it. I'm completely sure he's a childish brat, who's gonna eat all of it - if I let him, but I'm not going to stop being that brat myself!

I grab them and run back, but I don't see him coming, and accidentally bump into him.

"Aghhh!" I shout in surprise and punch him in the stomach. It seems like I've hit THE spot, because he collapses on the floor.

"Gosh, sorry, reflexes." I say, but then he suddenly jumps up, grabs the chocolates, and he's holding two in the end. I let it go. I can't hold it back anymore, so I sit down on the floor, and start laughing. I laugh, and I can't stop. He joins me, and tells me, inbetween the laughs:

"This is the most exercise I've ever done." Then we laugh a little more, until it gets awkward. We stand up again, and I approach the sofa, thinking about Twitter, when Dan actually surprises me.

"Hey, do you want to, uhm, watch The Hobbit or something, and eat the chocolate fairly, like real men? We're married after all."

"Well yeah, I'm guessing (f/n) and Phil won't be back until our bedtimes," He nods.

"That means, that we have like 6 hours, which is not enough for the Hobbit trilogy, but we could watch all of the High School Musicals!" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah, that's right! But of course, just for the lols." he replies with a grin. I pet his shoulder with empathy, and say it myself as well.

"Yes. Just and only for the lols."

And so we watch, and shamelessly sing-along to the movie. It's quite funny to be honest - having duets like that - that's why I sometimes start uncontrollably laughing, and we have to pause for 5 minutes, before I stop. Those are the times, when we eat chocolate and it's gone pretty quickly. When we're done, it's only 2 a.m., so we're not ready to sleep yet (yes, my biorhythm is completely destroyed). I come up with a game, where someone chooses a random viral video, and the other person tries to guess what it is, blindfolded. Dan agrees, and starts showing off with his knowledge. I just laugh, and get the first turn. I hear clicking, and it starts with relaxing music.

"I was only nine years old..."

"Ew, Dan! It's Shrek is love, Shrek is life! I suppose I've read fanfictions far worse than this, but still.." (A/n Again, if you don't know what that is, don't search for it. Just DON'T.) I laugh. It was way too easy for me. Now it's my turn. I know how to annoy him, because I know him, and that's an advantage. I search for his profile and set the video.

"Okay, enjoy!" I say, waiting for him to realize what it is.

"It's just silence?" He says. But then he hears it.

"Hi. Sooo, my name is - Dan. Nice to meet you. And this is my first proper video, I gu..."

"Oh my fucking god, (y/n)!! Fuck you!! Turn it off!!" He starts screaming, and ripping the shirt we used to blind ourselves, off his face. I laugh a lot, and he gets mad, so we stop playing my game. Well, not like really mad, more like embarrased and cringy. I don't want him to be too angry, so I suggest watching My Neighbour Totoro. He soon relaxes again, eats some more chocolate, is angry about no Maltesers, but watches the movie happily.

After about 30 minutes, I start getting a little bit dizzy, and sleepy. I guess I can't survive the night without any sleep after all. I can feel a very comfortable and warm pillow under my head, as drift into my dreams.


I hope you're enjoying the story so far! ^^

I'm trying to update regulary, I swear, and I also want to say, that I hope that last cliff hanger didn't make you think any dirty minds. xD It's not THAT ahah.

Oh, and I also want to say thanks for...100 READS!! :D You're the best! Thanks so much! <3


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