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TW: Puking, dizziness, nausea, nightmares. If i missed anything lmk and i'll add/fix it :)

requested: no


Technoblade jerked awake and ran from his room to the toilet, throwing up once he got there. He groaned and flushed it down.

"Tech? You alright?" Wilbur asked, standing in the door, concern flashing across his tired face.

Techno shook his head and leaned over to puke again. Wilbur crouched beside him and held Tecno's long hair back, rubbing his back with his other hand.

They stayed like that for a little while, Techno dry heaving. After a minute of silence, Wilbur got up.

"I'll go get you some water," he said, walking towards the kitchen, "wait right there!" 

Techno stood and looked in the mirror, taking in his own tired face. Pulling his hair into a bun on top of his head, he washed his face off with cold water, trying to drown the nightmare that had triggered the vomiting. 

"Here, don't drink the whole thing yet." Wil handed him a glass of water and Techno shakily drank a little.

He almost dropped the cup, and decided to sit. Wilbur pulled him into a hug and Techno sunk into it, holding back tears.

"Want me to go get Phil?" Wilbur asked quietly. Techno shook his head.

"No, I'm just being stupid, I'll be alright."

Wilbur pushed Techno up and frowned at him, holding his shoulders.

"Tech, whatever happened, if it made you feel like this then it's not stupid, I promise. But if you don't want me to get Phil, then I won't."

Techno looked down at the cup he was holding, and then he nodded.

His brother got up and came back with their dad a couple minutes later.

"Hey, what happened mate?" Phil joined him on the tile floor. "Wil told me you were sick?"

Techno looked up at his dad, tears in his eyes. 

"I- I..." he cleared his throat and tried again. "I had a nightmare and- and this happened. I don't know... I just feel terrible." A headache had started, pounding in his skull like it was trying to escape.

Phil pulled his shaking son onto his lap, grunting as the two were pretty similar in height. Rubbing his back and rocking back and forth, he tried his best to comfort him.

After a few minutes Techno sniffed and pulled away. "Thanks Phil. Sorry about... this."

"It's alright Techno, you can come get me for anything, you know that." he glanced at Wilbur and smiled slightly, remembering last weeks' events. "Well, alright, let me rephrase that. Almost anything. Not to solve you and your brothers are stupid arguments. But, you know. Important shit. Ok?"

Techno smiled weakly at him and nodded.

Wilbur pulled the two up off of the floor and they all headed off to bed.

Technoblade lay down, trying not to remember his nightmare. 

He tossed and turned for a couple hours, unable to fall back asleep. The darkness kept creeping in and he had a strange feeling... He got up and gave up on sleep. Instead he flicked the lights on and read for the rest of the night.

The sun rose and he was still awake sitting in bed, staring blankly at his wall as he had for the past thirty minutes. His head was pounding and he still felt nauseous. Rubbing his eyes, he stood and stretched, seeing black cloud his vision for a moment, and dizziness take over. 

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