light |clingy duo|

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A/N: here, have this little story that's been rotting in my phone for months lol

enjoy :)

-3rd person POV-

"Hmm, it looks like we'll have to go through a tunnel after this bend." Tommy and Tubbo were heading home after exploring in the woods all day and were following a map back home. Tommy had taken it upon himself to lead them home, as Tubbo had a tendency to not only misread the map, but often forget he was supposed to be going a certain way and lead them astray.

"Uhm, is this the tunnel you were talking about Bossman?" Tubbo asked, causing Tommy to look up from his map and sigh.

"Yeah..." the two stood still on the path, staring silently at the dark tunnel ahead of them. The sun had just set, and it was already pretty dark, the cover from the trees blocking out most of the remaining light.

"I wish I had known we would be this late or I would've brought a light. We shouldn't have stayed out so long..." they walked a little closer and tommy spotted somthing beside the entrance. "Tubs!!" he gasped. "A light!!" he grabbed the torch (flashlight) from the ground. he clicked the button and hesitated for a second.

"Come on Tommy, we don't have all night! I'm sure we'll be fine, we have a light now and I'm sure this tunnel can't be too long."

They began their journey, Tommy shining the dim light directly ahead to check for any holes or bumps. After a short while he turned around to look back. "I already can't see where we came from." And just like that, the light went out.

They both started to scream but Tommy slapped a hand over Tubbos mouth and suppressed his own. "What if there are bats? We don't want to wake them up." Tommy whispered, quickly removing his hand from the shorter boys mouth after it was licked. "Ew!"

Tubbo giggled and then they both stood in deafening silence. Suddenly Tubbo gasped and stomped his foot on the ground. His shoe lit up and Tommy could see the shorters face grinning. "YOUR SHOES LIGHT UP?!?!!" Tommy exclaimed in disbelieve. They both think the same thing and run through the remainder of the tunnel, the way lit by Tubbos shoes, collapsing on the ground once they reach the exit.

They lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

"Good thing I begged my Dad to buy these."

"Yeah, good thing."


390 words (it's so short and for what 😭) 

this was inspired by a fanart btw, here's the link: (it'll also be in the comments).

please lmk if you have any ideas or requests, or if you'd like a part two of anything i can consider it, just ask! 

hydrate or diedrate, this is a threat.

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