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Tommy sat by the living room window waiting excitedly. Tubbo was coming home from vacation  sometime today, and he wanted to greet him once he got home.


"I don't know mate! Give him a few hours, He'll be home soon," Phil responded from his spot on the sofa, "and you know I'm right here, you don't have to shout."

Tommy sighed loudly and flopped onto the couch by his brother, Techno. After a few more sighs Techno glared at him. "Tommy, can't you go sign somewhere else?" 

Tommy got up and headed upstairs, bursting into Wilbur's room with an idea. "Wil! Can you come downstairs for a bit?"

A few minutes later a triumphant Tommy and an amused Wilbur were playing the guitar and the kazoo in the tune of 'September'. Techno ran upstairs and appeared a moment later with his Otamatone. 

Phil laughed at the show they were putting on and requested a song when they were done.

A few songs later Tommy heard something outside and Tubbo burst in the house. 

"Tommy!" He stopped in the living room once he noticed what the brothers were doing, and he grinned and sat on the couch beside Phil to watch the show. 

After a few minutes Techno handed Tubbo the Otamatone and let him takeover. 

Let's just say that might not have been the best idea...

A/N 227 words

i forgot about this, it's super short but whatever

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