Christmas (2)

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Tommy's POV

"Wilbur, Techno, what can we give Phil for Christmas?" I ask, laying on Wilbur's floor. We had all somehow ended up in there, just doing separate things in silence. "I mean, yeah we got him a few things, but I want to give him something from all of us that's meaningful." My brothers both nod and we try to think of what to give Dad.

What could we get him that he couldn't just get for himself? We could make him something, but the only artistic one is techno and if he painted it then it wouldn't be from all of us so-

"We're all idiots!" Wilbur cries, jumping up.

"Hey, be careful with who you're calling an idiot, bitch." I say, throwing a pillow at him.

"Yeah, yeah. Listen, I have the perfect idea. Why don't we write a song for him? It can have violin," he points at Techno, "piano," he says, pointing at me, "and guitar. You two can help me write it-"

"And then you and I can sing it!" I interrupt him.

"That's a good idea Wilbur, but we need to get started if we want to have it perfected by christmas, we only have about three weeks." Techno walks out of the room and comes back a minute later with his violin and some pens. "do you have any staff paper?"

Wilbur grabs his stack of empty paper and hands some to each of us. "Ok, any main ideas?"


A few days later we've finally written our song. planning to practice it at tubbos house after school so phil doesn't hear it, we walk across the street through the snow. 

"Tubbo! We're here!" I yell, banging on his door. "Open the door bitch!"

Dream, Tubbo's older brother, answers the door. "Calm down you little gremlin." he steps aside and allows us three cold teens into his house. "Do you want any coffee?" he asks Techno and Wilbur, handing me hot chocolate, one for me, and one for Tubbo. My brothers both nod and head towards the kitchen while I run upstairs.

"Here Toby! Your brother made hot chocolate. Are you ready to hear our song? We haven't really practiced it yet but I'm sure it won't be too difficult." I plop down on a bean bag chair and take a sip of my drink. "thanks for letting us use your house."

"No problem! I can't wait to hear the song, I'm sure Phil will love it." Tubbo bounces up and down on his bed, spilling a little hot chocolate in the process. "...oops."

"Hey guys! Are we ready toms?" Wilbur asks, walking in with the other two. Dream sits on Tubbo's bed while Wilbur and Techno sit on some chairs set out for them. 

"Wait! Where's Drisra, she said she wanted to hear it-" Drista runs into the room, interrupting me. 

"I'm here!"

I smile at her and get up and sit at Tubbo's piano, pulling out my sheet music Techno printed for us.

"One and two-three,"


I turn around on the piano bench and see dad sitting on the couch, speechless, a few tears escaping his eyes. He stands up and gathers us all in a hug. "Thank you boys, that was wonderful!"

"It was Tommy's idea." Wilbur says, smiling at me.

"Well, you all did great. I loved it, really." Phil pulls away and smiles at the three of us. "I wish I had recorded it. Do you three think you can record it for me later?"

"Of course, we'd be happy to." Techno says, putting his violin back in the case.

"Alright, who's ready for a movie marathon?" Phil asks.

"YEAH!" We all run to the couch and pile on for a long day of movies.

A/N 611 words! 

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